
[1.2.5] - 18-01-2022

  • Internal DLL project's target framework version is upgraded from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.7.2.

  • Summaries are added for public methods in ZendeskMain, ZendeskSupportUI and ZendeskUI classes.

  • Resolved a compatibility issue with Xcode 12.5 and above.

  • Updated HTMLAgilityPack to 1.11.39 to resolve an issue with MemberUtility.cs during importing of the SDK in Unity2021.x and above.

[1.2.4] - 31-08-2021

  • Permissions are removed for attachments for Android platform.
  • Resolved an issue where buttons were not showing up properly in DemoScene.
  • Resolved an issue where the SDK was crashing if the device's time had been set back for more than one hour and a ticket was created before changing the time.

[1.2.3] - 01-07-2021

  • Resolved an issue where a button label is clipped with some languages when the device is in landscape orientation.
  • Resolved issues in the loading bar in landscape orientation.
  • Resolved an alignment issue in 'ZendeskButtonsCanvas'.
  • Resolved an issue with alignment in the full screen error in landscape orientation.
  • Resolved an issue with send button alignment in conversational screen, when the device changes to landscape orientation.
  • Safe area implemented for portrait orientation.

[1.2.2] - 11-05-2021

  • Resolved an issue where the SDK freezes when the user taps on the back button after creating a request.
  • Updated warning messages for Android, when the user denies attachment permissions for the first time.

[1.2.1] - 29-03-2021

Added a new warning message for Android platforms, in the event that the end user denies attachment permissions for the first time.

[1.2.0] - 11-03-2021

  • The Unity SDK now supports Unity 2018.4 and above. We've dropped support for Unity 2017.x
  • Resolved an issue where the device is in landscape orientation and SDK is not being initialised with landscape orientation.
  • Resolved an issue where UI components were set later than expected if device orientation is changed.
  • Resolved an issue where external links' icons are broken.

[1.1.2] - 26-02-2021

  • Added a new scene to demonstrate using custom buttons.
  • Updated the default value of showArticleVotes to false, which means that the SDK does not show article votes by default.
  • Added tags as an optional parameter in OpenCreateRequest and OpenSupport methods.
  • Resolved an issue where a white background remained visible even when the SDK was closed.
  • Zendesk sample buttons are set in a different canvas under Zendesk Prefab.

[1.1.1] - 08-02-2021

  • Safe area implemented in landscape mode for iOS devices.
  • Resolved an issue with UI element sizes changing after device orientation changes.
  • Resolved an issue where CSAT rating would not appear in conversational UI after the end user entered a comment in a solved ticket, and the ticket was set to Solved by an agent again.
  • Optimized images to reduce build size.
  • Resolved an issue where text input fields were not shown properly if end user enters a long text. Text input character limit is now 16000 characters for an end user comment.
  • Updated design - changes have been made to the headers, buttons, error screen, fonts, text styles, conversational UI bubbles and hyperlinks.

[1.1.0] - 20-01-2021

  • New feature to check if a request has new comments. See Getting request updates.
  • New feature to mark request as read. See Getting request updates.
  • Resolved an issue with duplicated text when bold and italics were applied.
  • Resolved an issue with bold text not rendering correctly in an article.
  • Removed an unused font file from resources.

[1.0.1] - 30-11-2020

  • Resolved an issue that could prevent changes to admin settings being reflected for users.

[1.0.0] - 23-11-2020

  • The initial public release. Subsequent releases will be detailed here.