Legacy Custom Objects API

You can use the Legacy Custom Objects API to create, read, update, and delete objects that you define yourself. You can also use it to define and manage relationships with other objects, including native Zendesk objects like tickets and users.

The Legacy Custom Objects API consists of the following resources:

Run in Postman

If you use Postman, you can import the Legacy Custom Objects API endpoints as a collection into your Postman app, then try out different requests to learn how the API works. Click the following button to get started:

Run in Postman

If you don't use Postman, you can sign up for a free account on the Postman website and download the app. For more information about using Postman with Zendesk APIs, see Exploring Zendesk APIs with Postman.

API path

The API path for custom objects is /api/sunshine/. Example:



This is the reference documentation for the Legacy Custom Objects API.

In addition to this API reference, the following resources are available in the Develop Help Center:

Enabling legcy custom objects

Note: A new custom object experience is in early access. You can sign up for the EAP here.

Legacy custom objects are available on the Enterprise plan. If you're interested in becoming a Zendesk developer partner, you can convert a trial account into a sponsored Zendesk Support account. The sponsored account is on the Enterprise plan with up to 5 agents. See Getting a trial or sponsored account for development.

Legacy custom objects must be enabled by an administrator in Zendesk Support. If you're not a Support admin, ask one to enable them for you.

To enable legacy custom objects in your account

  1. In Admin Center, click the Objects and rules icon () in the sidebar, then select Custom Objects > Objects.

If you're participating in the new custom objects early access program, the Custom Objects > Objects page will reflect the new experience and Custom Objects > Legacy objects will reflect the legacy experience.

  1. Click Activate Custom Objects.