This API lets you view and manage the account settings of your Zendesk voice account. See Enabling Talk and configuring general settings in Zendesk help.

JSON format

Voice Settings are represented as JSON objects with the following properties:

agent_confirmation_when_forwardingbooleanfalsefalseWhen true, agents must press a key to answer calls forwarded to their phones. This prevents calls from forwarding to an agent's personal voicemail if they do not take the call
agent_wrap_up_after_callsbooleantruefalseLegacy setting, now controlled for most accounts on a per-number basis. When true, talk agents have time after each call to finish adding details to the ticket
maximum_queue_sizeintegerfalsefalseNew calls that exceed this limit are directed to voicemail. Allowed values are 0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.
maximum_queue_wait_timeintegerfalsefalseCallers who wait longer than this limit are directed to voicemail. Allowed values are 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.
only_during_business_hoursbooleanfalsefalseLegacy setting, now controlled for most accounts on a per-number basis. When true, calls will be routed to available agents based on the business hours defined in your Support schedule
recordings_publicbooleanfalsefalseWhen true, allows the requester to see recordings from live calls that are added to tickets
supported_localesarraytruefalseList of translation locales supported for the account
voicebooleanfalsefalseWhen true, allows agents to make themselves available to answer calls. Your phone number can still accept voicemails when set to false
voice_ai_display_transcriptbooleanfalsefalseIf true, displays call transcription relating to a call recording on a voice ticket (if turned on for a given line)
voice_ai_enabledbooleanfalsefalseIf true, displays call transcription relating to a call recording on tickets (if turned on for a given line)
voice_ai_enabled_linesarrayfalsefalseList of phone number ids that have voice AI enabled
voice_transcriptions_boosted_keywordsstringfalsefalseList of keywords to boost during for voice transcriptions
voice_transcriptions_boosted_keywords_enabledbooleanfalsefalseWhen true, keyword boosting will run for voice transcriptions
voice_transcriptions_pci_redactionbooleanfalsefalseWhen true, PCI redaction will run for voice transcriptions
voice_transcriptions_pii_redactionbooleanfalsefalseWhen true, PII redaction will run for voice transcriptions
voice_zendesk_qa_enabledbooleanfalsefalseIf true, enables access to Zendesk QA feature to a call (if turned on for a given line)
voice_zendesk_qa_enabled_linesarrayfalsefalseList of phone number ids that have voice Zendesk QA enabled

Show Voice Settings

  • GET /api/v2/channels/voice/settings

Allowed For

  • Agents

Code Samples

curl -X GET https://{subdomain} -u {email_address}/token:{api_token}
import (	"fmt"	"io"	"net/http")
func main() {	url := ""	method := "GET"	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic <auth-value>") // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"
	client := &http.Client {}	res, err := client.Do(req)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	fmt.Println(string(body))}
import com.squareup.okhttp.*;OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse("")		.newBuilder();String userCredentials = "your_email_address" + "/token:" + "your_api_token";String basicAuth = "Basic " + java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userCredentials.getBytes());
Request request = new Request.Builder()		.url(		.method("GET", null)		.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")		.addHeader("Authorization", basicAuth)		.build();Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var axios = require('axios');
var config = {  method: 'GET',  url: '',  headers: {	'Content-Type': 'application/json',	'Authorization': 'Basic <auth-value>', // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"  },};
axios(config).then(function (response) {  console.log(JSON.stringify(;}).catch(function (error) {  console.log(error);});
import requestsfrom requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
url = ""headers = {	"Content-Type": "application/json",}email_address = 'your_email_address'api_token = 'your_api_token'# Use basic authenticationauth = HTTPBasicAuth(f'{email_address}/token', api_token)
response = requests.request(	"GET",	url,	auth=auth,	headers=headers)
require "net/http"require "base64"uri = URI("")request =, "Content-Type": "application/json")email = "your_email_address"api_token = "your_api_token"credentials = "#{email}/token:#{api_token}"encoded_credentials = Base64.strict_encode64(credentials)request["Authorization"] = "Basic #{encoded_credentials}"response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|	http.request(request)end

Example response(s)

200 OK
// Status 200 OK
{  "settings": {    "agent_confirmation_when_forwarding": true,    "agent_wrap_up_after_calls": true,    "maximum_queue_size": 10,    "maximum_queue_wait_time": 2,    "only_during_business_hours": false,    "recordings_public": true,    "supported_locales": [      {        "id": "da",        "name": "Danish - dansk"      },      {        "id": "de",        "name": "German - Deutsch"      },      {        "id": "en-US",        "name": "English"      },      "...."    ],    "voice": false,    "voice_ai_display_transcript": false,    "voice_ai_enabled": false,    "voice_ai_enabled_lines": [],    "voice_transcriptions_boosted_keywords": "",    "voice_transcriptions_boosted_keywords_enabled": false,    "voice_transcriptions_pci_redaction": false,    "voice_transcriptions_pii_redaction": false,    "voice_zendesk_qa_enabled": false,    "voice_zendesk_qa_enabled_lines": []  }}

Update Voice Settings

  • PUT /api/v2/channels/voice/settings

Allowed For

  • Agents

Example body

{  "settings": {    "voice": false  }}

Code Samples

curl https://{subdomain} \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"settings": {"voice": false }}' \  -u {email}/token:{token} -X PUT
import (	"fmt"	"io"	"net/http"	"strings")
func main() {	url := ""	method := "PUT"	payload := strings.NewReader(`{  "settings": {    "voice": false  }}`)	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload)
	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic <auth-value>") // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"
	client := &http.Client {}	res, err := client.Do(req)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	fmt.Println(string(body))}
import com.squareup.okhttp.*;OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse("")		.newBuilder();RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/json"),		"""{  \"settings\": {    \"voice\": false  }}""");String userCredentials = "your_email_address" + "/token:" + "your_api_token";String basicAuth = "Basic " + java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userCredentials.getBytes());
Request request = new Request.Builder()		.url(		.method("PUT", body)		.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")		.addHeader("Authorization", basicAuth)		.build();Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var axios = require('axios');var data = JSON.stringify({  "settings": {    "voice": false  }});
var config = {  method: 'PUT',  url: '',  headers: {	'Content-Type': 'application/json',	'Authorization': 'Basic <auth-value>', // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"  },  data : data,};
axios(config).then(function (response) {  console.log(JSON.stringify(;}).catch(function (error) {  console.log(error);});
import requestsimport jsonfrom requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
url = ""
payload = json.loads("""{  "settings": {    "voice": false  }}""")headers = {	"Content-Type": "application/json",}email_address = 'your_email_address'api_token = 'your_api_token'# Use basic authenticationauth = HTTPBasicAuth(f'{email_address}/token', api_token)
response = requests.request(	"PUT",	url,	auth=auth,	headers=headers,	json=payload)
require "net/http"require "base64"uri = URI("")request =, "Content-Type": "application/json")request.body = %q({  "settings": {    "voice": false  }})email = "your_email_address"api_token = "your_api_token"credentials = "#{email}/token:#{api_token}"encoded_credentials = Base64.strict_encode64(credentials)request["Authorization"] = "Basic #{encoded_credentials}"response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|	http.request(request)end

Example response(s)

200 OK
// Status 200 OK
{  "settings": {    "agent_confirmation_when_forwarding": true,    "agent_wrap_up_after_calls": true,    "maximum_queue_size": 10,    "maximum_queue_wait_time": 2,    "only_during_business_hours": false,    "recordings_public": true,    "supported_locales": [      {        "id": "da",        "name": "Danish - dansk"      },      {        "id": "de",        "name": "German - Deutsch"      },      {        "id": "en-US",        "name": "English"      },      "...."    ],    "voice": false,    "voice_ai_display_transcript": false,    "voice_ai_enabled": false,    "voice_ai_enabled_lines": [],    "voice_transcriptions_boosted_keywords": "",    "voice_transcriptions_boosted_keywords_enabled": false,    "voice_transcriptions_pci_redaction": false,    "voice_transcriptions_pii_redaction": false,    "voice_zendesk_qa_enabled": false,    "voice_zendesk_qa_enabled_lines": []  }}