
Build your own Sell-powered applications

Getting started

Zendesk Sell simplifies your sales workflow and increases closure-rate and customer success. Sell's tools enable you to set up automated sequences to engage leads, see customer conversations in context, configure advanced user permissions, and more.

In Getting started with Zendesk Sell you'll learn some of the most important features in your Sell account that you can explore in your free 14-day trial, or when you are getting started with Sell.

Making your first call is a step-by-step guide on how to make your first request to the Sell API. We will provide your authentication details by returning a token using your login credentials.

There are four groups of Zendesk Sell APIs:

Core API

The Core APIs let you to create, read, update, and delete Sell data RESTfully. Core APIs are available on all Sell subscription plans.

For more information, see Core API Introduction.

Sync API

The Sync API lets you connect to the Sell synchronization layer, in the same way our mobile devices do, which allows them to keep their local data up to date with Sell. The Sync APIs are available only on Sell Growth and higher plans.

For more information, see:

Firehose API

The Firehose API delivers a continuous stream of data from Sell in near real-time, enabling high volume data integrations and event-driven workflows within Sell or other business systems. The Firehose APIs are available only on Sell Growth and higher plans.

For more information, see Firehose Introduction.

Search API

Search API provides access to Sell’s read layer. It exposes two ways for accessing data:

  • JSON search API with rich and powerful Query language
  • GraphQL API for querying company information alongside with Company Hierarchy data

The Search APIs are available only on Sell Growth and higher plans.

For more information, see:

Build apps for Sell

A Zendesk app is a small web application installed in the agent interface that extends the functionality of Zendesk Support, Chat, or Sell.

For more information, see: