You can use the Ticketing API's List Search Results endpoint to search for tickets, users, organizations, and groups in Zendesk. The endpoint uses the following request format:

GET /api/v2/search?query={query}

This article shows how you can use the endpoint to make search requests.

Disclaimer: Zendesk provides this article for instructional purposes only. Zendesk doesn't provide support for example code in this article. Zendesk doesn't support third-party technologies, such as curl, Python, Node.js, or JavaScript.

Basic query syntax

The search endpoint has a query parameter:


When making a search request, you use the query parameter to specify a resource type, such as tickets or users. You also specify the criteria for the search, such as "users named Jane Doe" or "tickets with an open status".

This section contains example syntax for common query strings. For more details, see the Zendesk Support search reference in Zendesk help.

Important: The query strings in the following table must be URL encoded before use. See URL encoding parameter values.

TaskUnencoded query value
Search for a specific wordGreenbriar
Search for an exact string"Greenbriar Corporation"
Search for a ticket by id3245227
Search for a resource typetype:user "Jane Doe"
Search by ticket statustype:ticket status:open
Search by datetype:organization created<2099-05-01

How the query syntax works

The query string syntax uses the following rules:

  • The : character is the equality operator. Other operators include < (greater than) and > (less than), the minus sign - (negation), and the wildcard (*) character. See Search operators in Zendesk help

  • Double quotes ("") are used for search phrases. The search only returns records that contain an exact match of the phrase.

  • The type property returns records of the specified resource type. Possible values include ticket, user, organization, and group. See Using the 'type' keyword in Zendesk help

  • The status property returns tickets assigned to a specified ticket status. Other supported properties vary based on the record type. See the following reference guides in Zendesk help:

  • Date properties, such as created, updated, and solved, return records related to a specific date. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD. See Searching by date and time in Zendesk help

URL encoding parameter values

Zendesk REST APIs require URL encoding for any URL parameter values, including the query parameter. URL parameters are also called query parameters or query strings.

For example, to submit a search request using a query value of type:ticket status:open, the : and space characters must be URL encoded as follows:


Search request examples

This section includes example search requests using the following tools and programming languages:

The examples in this section use API tokens. An admin must create an API token in Admin Center. See API authentication in the API reference.

For clarity, the examples don't handle pagination. To learn about paginating list results, see Paginating through lists.

Search using curl

To include URL parameters in a curl request, use the -G flag. To URL-encode the parameter's value, use the --data-urlencode option. Example:

curl "https://{subdomain}" \-G --data-urlencode "query=type:ticket status:open" \-v -u {email_address}/token:{token}

You can use multiple -G flags to include multiple URL parameters in a single curl request. Example:

curl "https://{subdomain}" \-G --data-urlencode "query=type:ticket status:open" \-G "sort_by=created_at" \-G "sort_order=asc" \-v -u {email_address}/token:{token}

For more information about the -G and --data-urlencode flags, see the curl documentation.

Search using Python

You can use the Requests library for Python 3 to make REST API requests. The library allows you to pass URL parameters as a Python dictionary. When it makes the request, the library automatically URL-encodes the parameter values.

The following Python 3 script uses the Requests library to make a search request.

import requests
url = ''
params = {    'query': 'type:ticket status:open',    'sort_by': 'created_at',    'sort_order': 'asc'}
auth = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS/token', 'API_TOKEN'
response = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=auth)

Before running the script, replace the following placeholders:

  • "SUBDOMAIN" with your Zendesk subdomain
  • "EMAIL_ADDRESS" with your Zendesk email address
  • "YOUR_API_TOKEN" with your Zendesk API token

Using environment variables is a standard practice for managing sensitive data like your Zendesk API token. If you place this script in a public repository or share it with others, ensure that the API token is not included in the code. If you've accidentally exposed the token in the script, it may be compromised and should be regenerated in your Zendesk Admin Center.

Search using JavaScript with Node.js

Node.js is a developer tool that lets you run JavaScript code outside of the browser. You can use the Axios library for Node.js to make REST API requests. The library allows you to pass URL parameters as a JavaScript object. When it makes the request, the library automatically URL-encodes the parameter values.

The following Node.js script uses the Axios library to make a search request.

const axios = require("axios");
const url = "";
const params = {  query: "type:ticket status:open",  sort_by: "created_at",  sort_order: "asc",};
const auth = {  username: "EMAIL_ADDRESS" + "/token",  password: "YOUR_API_TOKEN",};
axios  .get(url, { params, auth })  .then((response) => {    console.log(;  });

Before running the script, replace the following placeholders:

  • "SUBDOMAIN" with your Zendesk subdomain
  • "EMAIL_ADDRESS" with your Zendesk email address
  • "YOUR_API_TOKEN" with your Zendesk API token

Using environment variables is a standard practice for managing sensitive data like your Zendesk API token. You can access environment variables in Node.js using process.env.VARIABLE_NAME, after setting them in your environment or in a .env file using a package like dotenv. See How to read environment variables from Node.js.