Top bar

Top bar

The app appears as an icon on the right side of the top bar. Clicking the icon opens the app.

Example manifest

"location": {  "sell": {    "top_bar": "assets/iframe.html"  }},

See Setting the app location.


In addition to the objects available in all locations, the following additional actions and setters are available in this location:


Retrieves leads and contacts information using a phone number.

client.invoke('getResourcesByPhone', phoneNumber);
  • phoneNumber - The phone number to search for a lead or contact.
{  "getResourcesByPhone": [    {      id: "12345",      displayName: "Bruce Wayne",      type: "contact"    },    {      id: "54321",      displayName: "Peter Parker",      type: "lead"    }  ]}


Changes the SVG icon. See Top bar and nav bar icon for more information.

client.set('iconSymbol', symbolName);
  • symbolName the value of a id attribute in a <symbol id="mySymbol"> tag in your SVG file.

Navigates to a given lead and returns its uri.

client.invoke('navigateTo.lead', leadId);
  • leadId - id of the lead you want to navigate to. Can be either a string or number
{  "navigateTo.lead": "/leads/12345"}

Navigates to a given contact and returns its uri.

client.invoke('', contactId);
  • contactId - id of a contact you want to navigate to. Can be either a string or number
{  "": "/crm/contacts/23456"}

Navigates to a given deal and returns its uri.

client.invoke('', dealId);
  • dealId - id of a deal you want to navigate to. Can be either a string or number
{  "": "/sales/deals/34567"}


You can use the popover API to show, hide, or resize top bar apps.

The action takes one argument, which could be:

  • one of following strings: show, hide, toggle
  • or an object with width and/or height property: {width: 100, height: 100}
client.invoke('popover', 'show');
client.invoke('popover', {  width: 400,  height: 400});


By default, the pane view of a top bar app is only inserted into the DOM the first time the app is opened. Calling preloadPane causes the pane view to be inserted into the DOM in advance, but it won't be visible until the app is opened. This is useful in cases where you need to manipulate the DOM before the app is made visible or if you have an iframe that needs to be preloaded. When the app pane is created, the framework fires the pane.created event.

Note: You can only call preloadPane with the instances API from a location loaded earlier. In most cases however, performing background tasks directly from the background location is preferred to preloading the pane.



Registers a custom bulk action for one or more object types in a smart list. The bulk action toolbar displays the action under the Integrations dropdown. Clicking the action triggers a smartlistBatchAction event.

client.invoke("registerSmartlistHandler", {  name: "Bulk sync",  applicableTypes: ["Deal"],  eventName: "",});
  • name - Action name displayed in the toolbar

  • applicableTypes - Array of smart list object types. The action is only displayed for these types of smart lists. Allowed values are "Contact", "Deal", and "Lead". Defaults to ["Contact", "Deal", "Lead"]

  • eventName - smartlistBatchAction event triggered by clicking the action


In addition to the core events, the following events are available to an app in the top bar:

By default, the pane view of a top bar app is only inserted into the DOM the first time the app is opened by the user. If you need to insert the pane into the DOM without making it visible, see the preloadPane.

Once the app pane is in the DOM, users can switch away and back to it.


Fires when the user returns to a top_bar app that's already been opened. It doesn't fire when the app is first displayed after loading. Consider using the app.registered event in that case.

client.on('pane.activated', function() {  //handler code});


Fires when the user switches away from your app and the app is no longer visible.

client.on('pane.deactivated', function() {  //handler code});


Fires when a user clicks a custom smart list action registered using the registerSmartlistHandler action. The event name is the action's eventName argument with a smartlistBatchAction. prefix.

Any event handler bound to the event receives the items array and entityType string.

client.on(  "",  ({ items, entityType }) => {    console.log(items); // Array of selected smart list items    // Example of contacts or leads array:    // [    //   {    //     "email": "",    //     "id": 1234567890,    //     "permissions": {    //       "delete": true,    //       "transfer": true,    //       "update": true    //     },    //     "phone_numbers": {    //       "mobile": "5555550001",    //       "phone": "5555550001"    //     },    //     "version": 1,    //     "website": ""    //   },    //   {...}    // ]    //    // Example of deals array:    // [    //   {    //     "id": 1234567890,    //     "permissions": {    //       "delete": true,    //       "transfer": true,    //       "update": true    //     },    //     "version": 1    //   },    //   {...}    // ]    //    console.log(entityType); // Object type affected by the smart list action    // Must be one of "Contact", "Deal", or "Lead"  });