
This changelog lists only significant changes, not all changes, to the Zendesk developer platform. It includes changes announced after June 22, 2022. For earlier announcements, see Developer Updates in Zendesk help.

    Jul 2, 2024

    Help Center templating API

    Introduced Help Center Templating API v4 and an update to the Copenhagen theme.

    See Upgrading from Templating API v3.

    Jul 1, 2024

    Basic authentication

    Starting July 31, 2024, basic authentication using an email and password is deprecated for /api/v2/ endpoints for new accounts and for accounts that are not using this method. If you’re actively using this method today, you will be able to continue using it until December 31, 2025.

    Jul 1, 2024

    Chat Conversations APIs

    Starting July 1, 2024, Chat Conversations APIs are deprecated for new accounts and for accounts not using these APIs. If you're actively using these APIs today, you will be able to continue using them.

    Jun 10, 2024

    Account Groups Availability API

    Introduced the ability to view aggregated status, workload, and capacity data for groups of agents.

    See Get Account Groups Availability.

    Apr 2, 2024
    Breaking change

    Article Attachments API

    Article attachment responses no longer include the attachment file name in the URL after content_url. You can continue to use the body's file_name property for the file name. See Announcing a URL structure update for the Article Attachments API.

    Apr 1, 2024
    New EAP

    WFM Public API Agent Activity endpoint

    Introduced a new endpoint for the WFM Public API that lets you extract data for agents' activities based on start and end time. This includes start and end day events.

    Note: This API is available only for Zendesk WFM customers (previously Tymeshift).

    Feb 21, 2024

    Zendesk SDK for Unity

    Zendesk SDK for Unity has exited the Early Access Program and is now available for everyone.

    See Working with messaging for your mobile channel in Zendesk help for configuring Unity as a channel in the Admin Center.

    Feb 1, 2024
    New EAP

    WFM Public API Reports endpoint

    Introduced the ability to extract data from both default and custom reports by specifying the ID of the desired report template.

    Note: This API is available only for Zendesk WFM customers (previously Tymeshift).

    Jan 8, 2024

    OAS files

    Made the OpenAPI specifications for the Ticketing and Help Center APIs available as OAS file downloads. You can download them from the Ticketing and Help Center home pages.

    Oct 12, 2023
    Breaking change


    Changed the endpoint method from GET to POST.

    See How JWT SSO for Zendesk works in Zendesk help for how this URL is used in the SSO workflow.

    October 4, 2023

    Access Logs API

    Introduced the ability to capture the data an agent or admin has accessed in your Zendesk account within the last 90 days. You can use the access logs to identify data security risks, refine security and privacy policies, and support data privacy compliance.

    The Access Logs API consists of the following endpoint:

    See Monitoring agent activity with the Access Log API in Zendesk help.

    September 26, 2023

    Custom objects API

    Introduced the ability to create custom objects to capture data that doesn't fit into standard objects such as tickets, users, or organizations.

    The Custom Objects API includes the following endpoint collections:

    See Getting started with custom objects.

    July 11, 2023
    New EAP

    Redirect rules for help center URLs

    Introduced the ability to create and manage 301 and 302 redirect rules for help center URLs that would otherwise return 404 page not found errors.

    July 6, 2023

    Messaging Metadata

    Ability to send metadata from a messaging conversation through the Zendesk Web Widget, Zendesk SDKs for Android or iOS, or Zendesk SDK for Unity

    See Using Messaging Metadata with the Zendesk Web Widget and SDKs.

    July 3, 2023

    Help Center JWT

    Introduced the ability to include a JSON Web Token (JWT) when making client-side requests to third-part APIs from a help center.

    Added two new APIs:

    See Making third-party API requests with help center JWTs.

    June 12, 2023

    Macros API

    Added the ability for admins to view personal macros created by and available only to individual users.

    See List Macros.

    May 22, 2023
    Breaking change

    Offset-based pagination

    Offset-based pagination requests after the first 10,000 records will return an error message.

    See New limits for offset-based pagination.

    May 19, 2023

    Merge Self With Another User

    The Merge Self with Another User endpoint is being removed and replaced with the Merge End Users endpoint.

    Apr 30, 2023

    NPS® API

    Removed the Net Promoter Score℠ (NPS®) API.

    See Announcing the removal of Net Promoter Score (NPS).

    Apr 25, 2023

    Agent Availability APIs

    Introduced the ability to access and update real-time agent status and activity information across Zendesk channels.

    Added two new APIs:

    Previously, these APIs were only available as part of the Agent Availability API EAP.

    For more information, see Agent Availability APIs.

    Apr 17, 2023

    ZIS LoadLinks action

    Added cursor pagination to the ZIS LoadLinks action.

    The action now supports the page_size, page_after_cursor, and page_before_cursor parameters.

    Responses from the LoadLinks action now include a meta object property that contains pagination information.

    For more information, see cursor pagination in the ZIS Links documentation.

    Apr 12, 2023
    New EAP

    New Custom Objects API

    Introduced the ability to create custom objects to capture data that doesn't fit into standard objects such as tickets, users, or organizations.

    The Custom Objects API includes the following endpoint collections:

    See Custom Objects EAP and Custom Objects API.

    Mar 30, 2023

    Webhooks API

    Added a new custom_headers property to webhooks and the authentication property now supports api_key as a type.

    See Creating and monitoring webhooks.

    Mar 2, 2023

    Status API

    Jan 17, 2023

    NPS® API

    The Net Promoter Score℠ (NPS®) API is being deprecated.

    See Announcing the removal of Net Promoter Score (NPS).

    Jan 17, 2023

    Custom Ticket Statuses API

    Introduced the ability to create and manage more granular and customized ticket statuses.

    See Announcing custom ticket statuses and Custom ticket statuses API.

    Oct 7, 2022
    Breaking change

    Voice API

    Updated two Voice endpoints to support omnichannel routing and unified agent status:

    See Voice Availabilities.

    Sep 20, 2022
    New EAP

    Custom Ticket Statuses API

    Introduced the ability to create and manage more granular and customized ticket statuses.

    See Announcing the Custom Ticket Statuses EAP and Custom ticket statuses API.

    Jun 29, 2022

    Support Users API

    Jun 22, 2022
    New EAP

    Messaging in the Unity SDK

    Introduced two new methods for messaging in the Unity SDK:

    See Getting started.