This page documents webhook request payloads for organization events. For an overview, see Webhook event types.

Detail object properties

For organization events, the detail object contains the following properties from the organization resource schema:

  • created_at
  • external_id
  • group_id (returned as a string)
  • id (returned as a string)
  • name
  • shared_comments
  • shared_tickets
  • updated_at

Event types

The following sections contain example payloads and event object properties for organization event types.

Event typePayload and properties
zen:event-type:organization.createdSupport Organization Created
zen:event-type:organization.custom_field_changedSupport Organization Custom Field Changed
zen:event-type:organization.deletedSupport Organization Deleted
zen:event-type:organization.external_id_changedSupport Organization External ID Changed
zen:event-type:organization.name_changedSupport Organization Name Changed
zen:event-type:organization.tags_changedSupport Organization Tags Changed

Support Organization Created

An organization was created.

{  "type": "zen:event-type:organization.created",  "account_id": 10973248,  "subject": "zen:organization:6607619104125",  "id": "a540ab78-88f2-49e1-93a7-16152a6f782c",  "time": "2099-07-07T03:44:13Z",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-06-20",  "detail": {    "created_at": "2099-07-07T03:44:13Z",    "id": "6607619104125",    "name": "Acme",    "shared_comments": false,    "shared_tickets": false,    "updated_at": "2099-07-07T03:44:13Z",    "group_id": null,    "external_id": null  },  "event": {}}

The payload contains an empty event object.

Support Organization Custom Field Changed

A custom organization field was changed.

{  "type": "zen:event-type:organization.custom_field_changed",  "subject": "zen:organization:6607817309693",  "account_id": 9732064,  "id": "697bbd67-869c-4f1f-a47c-b296258c50c8",  "time": "2099-07-07T05:10:01Z",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-06-20",  "detail": {    "created_at": "2099-07-07T05:09:55Z",    "external_id": null,    "group_id": null,    "id": "6607817309693",    "name": "Acme",    "shared_comments": false,    "shared_tickets": false,    "updated_at": "2099-07-07T05:10:01Z"  },  "event": {    "current": {      "value": true    },    "field": {      "id": "6607814943229",      "title": "checkbox_3b02",      "type": "checkbox"    },    "previous": {      "value": false    }  }}

The event uses a different schema for a custom field with the lookup relationship field type:

{  "type": "zen:event-type:organization.custom_field_changed",  "subject": "zen:organization:6607817309693",  "account_id": 9732064,  "id": "697bbd67-869c-4f1f-a47c-b296258c50c8",  "time": "2099-07-07T05:10:01Z",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-06-20",  "detail": {    "created_at": "2099-07-07T05:09:55Z",    "external_id": null,    "group_id": null,    "id": "6607817309693",    "name": "Acme",    "shared_comments": false,    "shared_tickets": false,    "updated_at": "2099-07-07T05:10:01Z"  },  "event": {    "current": {      "relationship_target": "user",      "id": "2"    },    "custom_field": {      "id": "6600020807549",      "title": "lookup_cuf1",      "type": "lookup"    },    "previous": {      "relationship_target": "user",      "id": "1"    }  }}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
currentobjectContains the current custom field value
current.valueCurrent field value. If field.type is "lookup", this property is not included
current.relationship_targetstringCurrent type of object the lookup relationship field is targeting. Possible values are "ticket", "user" and "organization". Only included if custom_field.type is "lookup"
current.idstringCurrent id of the object the lookup relationship field is targeting. Only included if custom_field.type is "lookup"
fieldobjectContains the field's configuration
field.idstringid for the custom field
field.titlestringCustom field name
field.typestringField data type. Possible values are "checkbox", "date", "decimal", "integer", "lookup", "regex", "tagger", "text", and "textarea"
previousobjectContains the previous custom field value
previous.valuePrevious field value. If field.type is "lookup", this property is not included
previous.relationship_targetstringPrevious type of object the lookup relationship field is targeting. Possible values are "ticket", "user" and "organization". Only included if custom_field.type is "lookup"
previous.idstringPrevious id of the object the lookup relationship field is targeting. Only included if custom_field.type is "lookup"

Support Organization Deleted

An organization was deleted.

{  "type": "zen:event-type:organization.deleted",  "account_id": 10973196,  "id": "b4fa7f87-a23a-407b-8e18-23493b6c3cb6",  "subject": "zen:organization:6607650028541",  "time": "2099-07-07T03:44:09Z",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-06-20",  "detail": {    "created_at": "2099-07-07T03:43:56Z",    "id": "6607650028541",    "name": "Acme",    "shared_comments": false,    "shared_tickets": false,    "updated_at": "2099-07-07T03:44:09Z",    "group_id": null,    "external_id": null  },  "event": {}}

The payload contains an empty event object.

Support Organization External ID Changed

An organization's external id changed.

{  "type": "zen:event-type:organization.external_id_changed",  "account_id": 10963496,  "id": "87cfb1a5-26fd-436c-ad55-0ac7bb080189",  "subject": "zen:organization:6607644529405",  "time": "2099-07-07T03:43:54Z",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-06-20",  "detail": {    "created_at": "2099-07-07T03:43:50Z",    "id": "6607644529405",    "name": "Acme",    "shared_comments": false,    "shared_tickets": false,    "updated_at": "2099-07-07T03:43:54Z",    "group_id": null,    "external_id": "6607644529405_deleted_CCC3"  },  "event": {    "current": "6607644529405_deleted_CCC3",    "previous": "CCC3"  }}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
currentstringCurrent external id
previousstringPrevious external id

Support Organization Name Changed

An organization's name changed.

{  "type": "zen:event-type:organization.name_changed",  "account_id": 11883297,  "id": "3ffea334-0d99-4e78-b2bb-f0faabd20c8c",  "subject": "zen:organization:6607649967101",  "time": "2099-07-07T03:43:03Z",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-06-20",  "detail": {    "created_at": "2099-07-07T03:42:52Z",    "id": "6607649967101",    "name": "Acme",    "shared_comments": false,    "shared_tickets": false,    "updated_at": "2099-07-07T03:43:03Z",    "group_id": null,    "external_id": null  },  "event": {    "current": "Acme",    "previous": "Acme Motors"  }}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
currentstringCurrent name
previousstringPrevious name

Support Organization Tags Changed

An organization's tags changed.

{  "type": "zen:event-type:organization.tags_changed",  "account_id": 10973196,  "id": "b4fa7f87-a23a-407b-8e18-23493b6c3cb6",  "subject": "zen:organization:6607650028541",  "time": "2099-07-07T03:44:09Z",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-06-20",  "detail": {    "created_at": "2099-07-07T03:43:56Z",    "external_id": null,    "group_id": null,    "id": "6607650028541",    "name": "Acme",    "shared_comments": false,    "shared_tickets": false,    "updated_at": "2099-07-07T03:44:09Z"  },  "event": {    "added": {      "tags": ["bar"]    },    "removed": {      "tags": ["foo"]    }  }}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
addedobjectContains tags added to the organization
added.tagsarray of stringsTags added to the organization
removedobjectContains tags removed from the organization
removed.tagsarray of stringsTags removed from the organization