This page documents webhook request payloads for Guide article events. For an overview, see Webhook event types.

Detail object properties

For article events, the detail object contains the following properties:

  • id
  • brand_id

Event types

The following sections contain example payloads and event object properties for article event types.

Event typePayload and properties
zen:event-type:article.author_changedArticle Author Changed
zen:event-type:article.publishedArticle Published
zen:event-type:article.subscription_createdArticle Subscription Created
zen:event-type:article.unpublishedArticle Unpublished
zen:event-type:article.vote_createdArticle Vote Created
zen:event-type:article.vote_changedArticle Vote Changed
zen:event-type:article.vote_removedArticle Vote Removed
zen:event-type:article.comment_createdArticle Comment Created
zen:event-type:article.comment_changedArticle Comment Changed
zen:event-type:article.comment_publishedArticle Comment Published
zen:event-type:article.comment_unpublishedArticle Comment Unpublished

Article Author Changed

A help center article's author was changed.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "7005450498174"  },  "event": {    "current": "6998057797118"  },  "id": "01GX7773HNJ9CA89HX2P1MQ8E1",  "subject": "zen:article:7005450498174",  "time": "2023-04-04T22:46:48.627504986Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.author_changed",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
currentintegerContains the current author_id

Article Published

A help center article was published.

{  {  "account_id": 10168721,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "224348602",    "id": "7005414006398"  },  "event": {    "author_id": "225859532",    "category_id": "7005437869694",    "locale": "en-us",    "section_id": "7005437870078",    "title": "Dolor est quo ratione."  },  "id": "01GX4P86AC7T0AFF86QGAHTEFR",  "subject": "zen:article:7005414006398",  "time": "2023-04-03T23:11:49.571545199Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.published",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
author_idintegerThe id of the article's author
category_idintegerThe id of the category to which the article belongs
localestringThe article's locale
section_idintegerThe id of the section to which the article belongs
titlestringThe article's title

Article Subscription Created

A help center article subscription was created.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "6996623598974"  },  "event": {    "subscription": {      "id": "7009486288254",      "user_id": "262066642"    }  },  "id": "01GX9X40NW14K6WMKQRJDR15EB",  "subject": "zen:article:6996623598974",  "time": "2023-04-05T23:48:04.922543199Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.subscription_created",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
subscriptionobjectContains the article subscription
subscription.idintegerAn id automatically created when a subscription is created
subscription.user_idintegerThe id of the user who has this subscription

Article Unpublished

A help center article was unpublished.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "7005450498174"  },  "event": {},  "id": "01GX4PA0K4TC01K8AVSC3FW2ES",  "subject": "zen:article:7005450498174",  "time": "2023-04-03T23:12:49.245377265Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.unpublished",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The payload contains an empty event object.

Article Vote Created

A vote was added to a help center article.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "7005450498174"  },  "event": {    "vote": {      "id": "7007394906238",      "user_id": "262066642",      "value": 1    }  },  "id": "01GX787AW4SB2K793VM2T37X2Y",  "subject": "zen:article:7005450498174",  "time": "2023-04-04T23:04:24.706715957Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.vote_created",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
voteobjectContains a vote on the article
vote.idintegerAn id automatically assigned when a vote is created
vote.user_idintegerThe id of the user who cast this vote
vote.valuestringThe value of the vote. Can be -1 or 1

Article Vote Changed

A vote was changed on a help center article.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "7005450498174"  },  "event": {    "current": {      "id": "7007394906238",      "user_id": "262066642",      "value": -1    }  },  "id": "01GX789JJXA5QSGQPK3XHB876Y",  "subject": "zen:article:7005450498174",  "time": "2023-04-04T23:05:38.139607714Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.vote_changed",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
currentobjectContains the current vote details
current.idintegerThe id of the vote that was changed
current.user_idintegerThe id of the user who cast this vote
current.valuestringThe updated value of the vote. Can be -1 or 1

Article Vote Removed

A vote was removed from a help center article.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "7005450498174"  },  "event": {    "vote": {      "id": "7007394906238"    }  },  "id": "01GX78A5SNQ3310ZYYKDHZEFC9",  "subject": "zen:article:7005450498174",  "time": "2023-04-04T23:05:57.811184776Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.vote_removed",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
voteobjectContains the vote details
vote.idintegerAn id automatically assigned when the vote was created

Article Comment Created

A help center article comment was created.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "7005450498174"  },  "event": {    "comment": {      "author_id": "262066642",      "id": "7007443108862",      "locale": "en-us"    }  },  "id": "01GX79ST1QX01C889XV42S2J5T",  "subject": "zen:article:7005450498174",  "time": "2023-04-04T23:31:58.642630335Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.comment_created",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
commentobjectContains the comment details
comment.author_idintegerThe id of the author of the comment
comment.idintegerAn id automatically assigned when the comment is created
comment.localestringThe locale in which the comment was made

Article Comment Changed

A help center article comment was edited.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "7005450498174"  },  "event": {    "current": {      "id": "7007443108862"    }  },  "id": "01GX7A6DJ7ZKDVQVMQ3AFHR4QJ",  "subject": "zen:article:7005450498174",  "time": "2023-04-04T23:38:51.834140851Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.comment_changed",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
currentobjectContains the comment details
current.idintegerThe id of the comment that was updated

Article Comment Published

A help center article comment was published.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "7005450498174"  },  "event": {    "comment": {      "id": "7007443108862",      "locale": "en-us"    }  },  "id": "01GX79ST1VZRDG815C7450Y42M",  "subject": "zen:article:7005450498174",  "time": "2023-04-04T23:31:58.645534016Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.comment_published",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
commentobjectContains the comment details
comment.idintegerAn id automatically assigned when the comment was created
comment.localestringThe locale in which the comment was made

Article Comment Unpublished

A help center article comment was marked as spam, hidden for moderation, or deleted.

{  "account_id": 11896485,  "detail": {    "brand_id": "4883147156990",    "id": "7005450498174"  },  "event": {    "comment": {      "id": "7007443108862",      "locale": "en-us"    }  },  "id": "01GX7ABVG0B7WDDXEKJNJ30ZVN",  "subject": "zen:article:7005450498174",  "time": "2023-04-04T23:41:49.918525172Z",  "type": "zen:event-type:article.comment_unpublished",  "zendesk_event_version": "2022-11-06"}

The event object contains the following properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
commentobjectContains the comment details
comment.idintegerAn id automatically assigned when the comment was created
comment.localestringThe locale in which the comment was made