You can enable Zendesk user events to trigger a flow by specifying in the JobSpec object the event_source as "support" and event_type as the tag associated with the event. See Trigger events for more information.

The table and sections below lists all the supported Zendesk user events with the tag and expected payload content.

TagEvent Payload
user.UserIsActiveChangedActive Status Changed
user.UserAliasChangedAlias Changed
user.CustomFieldChangedCustom Field Changed
Custom Field Changed - Checkbox
Custom Field Changed - Date
Custom Field Changed - Decimal
Custom Field Changed - Integer
Custom Field Changed - Multiselect
Custom Field Changed - Regex
Custom Field Changed - Tagger
Custom Field Changed - Text
Custom Field Changed - Text Area
Custom Field Changed - Lookup
user.CustomRoleChangedCustom Role Changed
user.UserDefaultGroupChangedDefault Group Changed
user.UserDetailsChangedDetails Changed
user.ExternalIdChangedExternal ID Changed
user.UserGroupAddedGroup Added
user.UserGroupRemovedGroup Removed
user.UserIdentityChangedIdentity Changed
user.UserIdentityCreatedIdentity Created
user.UserIdentityRemovedIdentity Deleted
user.LastLoginChangedLast Login Changed
user.UserNameChangedName Changed
user.UserNotesChangedNotes Changed
user.OnlyPrivateCommentsChangedOnly Private Comments Changed
user.UserOrganizationAddedOrganization Added
user.UserOrganizationRemovedOrganization Removed
user.UserPhotoChangedPhoto Changed
user.UserRoleChangedRole Changed
user.TagsChangedTags Changed
user.TimeZoneChangedTime Zone Changed
user.UserCreatedUser Created
user.UserMergedUser Merged

Active Status Changed

A user's status was changed. If the current property is false, the user has been soft deleted.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 2,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Active Status Changed",      "previous": true,      "current": false,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous active status
  • current - The current active status

Alias Changed

A user's alias was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 4,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Alias Changed",      "previous": "abc",      "current": "edf",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous alias
  • current - The current alias

Custom Field Changed

Custom Field Changed events occur when the value of a user-created custom field is changed by an agent.

Zendesk supports a range of custom field types such as text, numbers, and dates. For more information about custom fields, see About custom field types.

Custom Field Changed events includes a custom_field object with three parameters:

  • id - The Zendesk ID of the custom field
  • title - The custom field name
  • field_type - The field data type (such as date, text, integer, and multi-select)

Custom Field Changed - Checkbox

The value of a custom field checkbox was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 1,          "total": 3        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 1234,        "title": "VIP",        "field_type": "checkbox"      },      "previous": false,      "current": true,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T01:23:45Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous boolean value
  • current - The current boolean value

Custom Field Changed - Date

The value of a date custom field was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 2,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 1234,        "title": "Start Date",        "field_type": "date"      },      "previous": "2020-01-10",      "current": "2020-01-25",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:50:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous date and time
  • current - The current date and time

Custom Field Changed - Decimal

The value of a decimal custom field was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 2,          "total": 3        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 1234,        "title": "Decimal Field",        "field_type": "decimal"      },      "previous": "99.99",      "current": "100.00",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:50:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous numerical value
  • current - The current numerical value

Custom Field Changed - Integer

The value of an integer custom field was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 3,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 1234,        "title": "Integer",        "field_type": "integer"      },      "previous": "10",      "current": "100",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:50:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous numerical value
  • current - The current numerical value

Custom Field Changed - Multiselect

The value of a multiselect custom field was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 3,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 12345,        "raw_title": "Colors",        "field_type": "multiselect"      },      "previous": null,      "current": [        "red",        "green"      ],      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:50:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous multiselect value(s)
  • current - The current multiselect value(s)

Custom Field Changed - Regex

The value of a regex custom field was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 4,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 1234,        "title": "Regex Field",        "field_type": "regexp"      },      "previous": null,      "current": "",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous regex value
  • current - The current regex value

Custom Field Changed - Tagger

The value of a tagger custom field was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 5,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 1234,        "title": "Dropdown Field",        "field_type": "tagger"      },      "previous": "choice_1",      "current": "choice_2",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous string value
  • current - The current string value

Custom Field Changed - Text

The value of a text custom field was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 6,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 1234,        "title": "Text Field",        "field_type": "text"      },      "previous": null,      "current": "Text Message",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous string value
  • current - The current string value

Custom Field Changed - Text Area

The value of a multiline text custom field was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 7,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 1234,        "title": "MultiLine",        "field_type": "textarea"      },      "previous": "This is a\nmultiline message.\nHello there.",      "current": "This is a\nmultiline message.",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous multiline text
  • current - The current multiline text

Custom Field Changed - Lookup

The target id value of a lookup custom field changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "0572B2EE0A2B22E5EE8BB107928D7E6D",          "position": 7,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Custom Field Changed",      "custom_field": {        "id": 1234,        "title": "user-lookup",        "field_type": "lookup"      },      "previous": {        "relationship_target": "user",        "id": "91612713"      },      "current": {        "relationship_target": "user",        "id": "1100004189914"      },      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T01:23:45Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous lookup relationship target and id
  • current - The current lookup relationship target and id

Note: relationship_target can be ticket, user or organization.

Custom Role Changed

The custom role of the user was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-21T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 1,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Custom Role Changed",      "previous": null,      "current": 43210,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-21T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous permission set ID of user's custom role
  • current - The current permission set ID of user's custom role

Default Group Changed

The user's default group was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 5,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Default Group Changed",      "previous": 98738,      "current": 96543,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 96543      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous default group ID
  • current - The current default group ID

Details Changed

The user details was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 5,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Details Changed",      "previous": "user old details",      "current": "new details",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous user details
  • current - The current user details

External ID Changed

The user's external ID was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 6,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "External ID Changed",      "previous": "SF123456",      "current": "AU123456",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "AU123456",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - Previous external ID of the user
  • current - Current external ID of the user

Group Added

A group was added to the user.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 1,          "total": 2        }      },      "type": "Group Added",      "group_added": 98738,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

In the user_event object, group_added is the ID of the group which has been added to the user.

Group Removed

A group was removed from the user.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 2,          "total": 2        }      },      "type": "Group Removed",      "group_removed": 98738,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": null      }    }  }}

In the user_event object, group_removed is the ID of the group that has been removed from the user

Identity Changed

A user's identity was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 8,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Identity Changed",      "previous": {        "id": 12345,        "identity_type": "email",        "value": "",        "primary": false      },      "current": {        "id": 12345,        "identity_type": "email",        "value": "",        "primary": true      },      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous user identity
  • current - The current user identity

Identity Created

A user's identity was created.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 7,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Identity Created",      "identity": {        "id": 12345,        "identity_type": "email",        "value": "",        "primary": true      },      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The identity object contains properties which matches the User Identity API. For more information, see User Identities API.

Identity Deleted

A user's identity was deleted.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 9,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Identity Deleted",      "identity_id": 12345,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

In the user_event object, the identity_id property is the ID automatically assigned to the identity when it's created in Support.

Last Login Changed

The user's last login time was changed. The last login date is updated only if the previous login occurred more than 20 minutes ago.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 3,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Last Login Changed",      "previous": "2020-01-16T16:17:54Z",      "current": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous login date and time of the user
  • current - The current login date and time of the user

Name Changed

The name of a Support user was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 2,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Name Changed",      "previous": null,      "current": "abc",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous user name
  • current - The current user name

Notes Changed

The notes of a Support user was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 6,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Notes Changed",      "previous": "old notes",      "current": "new notes",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous user notes
  • current - The current user notes

Only Private Comments Changed

Private comments of the user was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 2,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Only Private Comments Changed",      "previous": false,      "current": true,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous boolean value of only private comments for the user
  • current - The current boolean value of only private comments for the user

Organization Added

An organization was added to the user.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 2,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Organization Added",      "organization_added": 10002,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

In the user_event object, organization_added is the ID of the organization which has been added to the user.

Organization Removed

An organization was removed from the user.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 2,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Organization Removed",      "organization_removed": 10002,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": null,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

In the user_event object, organization_removed is the ID of the organization that has been removed from the user

Photo Changed

The photo of a Support user was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 3,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Photo Changed",      "previous": "",      "current": "",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous photo url
  • current - The current photo url

Role Changed

The role of the user was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 4,          "total": 7        }      },      "type": "Role Changed",      "previous": "admin",      "current": "agent",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous role of the user
  • current - The current role of the user

Tags Changed

The tags on the Support user was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 7,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Tags Changed",      "tags_added": ["chat"],      "tags_removed": ["talk"],      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • tags_added - Tags added to the user
  • tags_removed - Tags removed from the user

Time Zone Changed

The time zone of the Support user was changed.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 4,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "Time Zone Changed",      "previous": "American Samoa",      "current": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-25T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the following unique properties in the user_event object:

  • previous - The previous time zone of the user
  • current - The current time zone of the user

User Created

A Support user was created.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 1,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "User Created",      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

User Merged

A user's account in Support was merged with another user's account.


{  "account_id": 12345,  "integration_key": "my_integration_key",  "subdomain": "my_zendesk_subdomain",  "input": {    "user_event": {      "meta": {        "version": "1.0",        "occurred_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "ref": "1-1234567890",        "sequence": {          "id": "35D52F7D44640033CCCE4A5F1ADDB2AA",          "position": 2,          "total": 9        }      },      "type": "User Merged",      "target_user_id": 12345,      "user": {        "id": 35436,        "external_id": "SF12345",        "role": "agent",        "email": "",        "created_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "updated_at": "2020-01-20T22:55:29Z",        "organization_id": 10002,        "default_group_id": 98738      }    }  }}

The event contains the property target_user_id, which is the ID of the user that the user has been merged into.