The Themes API lets you manage Guide themes and integrate more complex theme development workflows with Guide.

The API consists of themes and jobs. A theme resource represents a Guide theme. Jobs are used for asynchronous operations.

If you're using multiple brands, send requests to the account domain, not the brand domain.

If you're using OAuth2 authentication, set the required scopes to themes:read or themes:write to perform read operations or all operations, respectively.

JSON Format for Themes

Themes are represented by JSON objects with the following properties:

idstringAutomatically assigned when the theme is created
namestringThe name of the theme
versionstringThe version number of the theme. Specified in the theme manifest
authorstringThe author of the theme. Specified in the theme manifest
livebooleanWhether or not the theme is currently published in Help Center
created_attimestampThe time at which the theme was created
updated_attimestampThe time at which the theme was last updated
brand_idstringThe brand id of the theme


{  "id": "asdf123-asdf",  "name": "Copenhagen",  "author": "Zendesk",  "version": "1.7.5",  "live": true,  "created_at": "2012-04-04T09:14:57Z",  "updated_at": "2012-04-04T09:14:57Z"}

List Themes

  • GET /api/v2/guide/theming/themes
  • GET /api/v2/guide/theming/themes?brand_id={brand_id}

Allowed for

  • Guide managers

Using curl

curl https://{subdomain}{brand_id} \  -v -u {email_address}:{password}

Example Response

Status: 200 OK
{  "themes": [    {      "id":      "asdf123-asdf",      "name":    "Copenhagen",      "author":  "Zendesk",      ...    },    ...  ]}

Show Theme

  • GET /api/v2/guide/theming/themes/{id}

Allowed for

  • Guide managers

Using curl

curl https://{subdomain}{id} \  -v -u {email_address}:{password}

Example Response

Status: 200 OK
{  "theme": {    "id":      "asdf123-asdf",    "name":    "Copenhagen",    "author":  "Zendesk",    ...  }}

Publish Theme

  • POST /api/v2/guide/theming/themes/{id}/publish

Allowed for

  • Guide managers

Using curl

curl https://{subdomain}{id}/publish \  -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X POST

Example Response

Status: 200 OK
{  "theme": {    "id":      "asdf123-asdf",    "name":    "Copenhagen",    "author":  "Zendesk",    "live":    true    ...  }}

Delete Theme

  • DELETE /api/v2/guide/theming/themes/{id}

Allowed for

  • Guide managers

Using curl

curl https://{subdomain}{id} \  -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X DELETE

Example Response

Status: 204 No Content

JSON Format for Jobs

statusstringThe current status of the job. Possible values: "pending", "completed", or "failed"
errorsarrayAn array of errors if the job failed. Returns null if the job is pending or successful. See errors
dataobjectJob-specific data provided on job creation


Jobs return an errors array. If the job is pending or successful, the errors property is null. If the job was not successful, the errors property may contain an array of error objects. The format of error objects is as follows:

titlestringThe error message
codestringA unique identifier for the error. See Failed Job Error Codes
metaobjectAn object with further error information
Example Error Responses
Status: 404 Not Found
{  "errors": [    {      "title": "Theme not found",      "code": "ThemeNotFound",      "status": "404",      "meta": {        "id": "theme_id"       }    }  ]}
Status: 400 Bad Request
{  "errors": [    {      "title": "The provided brand is not valid",      "code": "InvalidBrand",      "status": "400",      "meta": { ... }    }  ]}
Generic Error Codes
Http statusCodeComment
401InvalidOAuthScopesThe oauth scope provided does not match the required scope
400UnavailableFeaturesThe theme is attempting to use features not available in the current Guide plan
400InvalidBrandIncorrect brand id
Themes Error Codes
Http statusCodeComment
404ThemeNotFoundThe provided theme id is non-existent
400LiveThemeDeletedA brand's live theme cannot be deleted
Job Error Codes
Http statusCodeComment
404JobNotFoundThe provided job id is non-existent
400TooManyThemesMaximum number of allowed themes reached
400NonUpdatableThemeAttempting to update a non api theme
Failed Job Error Codes
TooManyThemesMaximum number of allowed themes reached
NameTooLongThe theme name is longer than allowed
FileNotSupportedThe file is not supported, wrong extension, dir etc.
FileTooBigAn added file is bigger than the allowed
ThemeTooBigThe theme is above the maximum size
FileNameTooLongThe file name is longer than allowed
FileNotFoundA required file cannot be found
FileLimitReachedThe maximum number of files have been reached
FileDeletionInProgressAttempting to change a file that is marked for deletion
InvalidTemplatesTemplates have syntax errors
InvalidSettingSetting is not valid
TooManySettingsMore than the allowed amount of settings
InvalidManifestThe manifest is not valid
UnsupportedLocaleThe locale is not supported
InvalidTranslationFileThe translation file is not valid
InvalidThemeVersionThe theme version is not valid
NonUpdatableThemeTheme cannot be updated


{  "status": "pending",  "errors": null,  "data": null}

Show Job

  • GET /api/v2/guide/theming/jobs/{id}

Allowed for

  • Guide managers

Using curl

curl https://{subdomain}{id} \  -v -u {email_address}:{password}

Example Response

Status: 200 OK
{  "job": {    "status": "failed",    "errors": [      {        "title": "Theme not found",        "code": "ThemeNotFound",        "meta": { }      }    ]  }}

Create Theme Import Job

  • POST /api/v2/guide/theming/jobs/themes/imports

The endpoint does not receive the ZIP file itself. See Theme Import Workflow for more information.

This job's data object has the following format:

theme_idstringAutomatically assigned when the job is created
upload.urlstringOne-time URL for the storage location
upload.parametersobjectParameters to be used when posting the ZIP file to the upload url

Note: The upload parameters should be considered unstable and provided as-is without modification.

Allowed for

  • Guide managers

Request Body Format

job.attributes.brand_idstringThe id of the brand where the theme should be imported to
job.attributes.formatenumValid enums ["zip"]

Using curl

curl https://{subdomain} \  -d '{ "job": { "attributes": { "brand_id": "brand_id", "format":"zip" } } }' \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X POST

Example Response

Status: 202 Accepted
{  "job": {    "id": "a66e7bde543c6b6d018f0e07a654feaf",    "status": "pending",    "errors": null,    "data": {      "theme_id": "asdf123-asdf",      "upload": {        "url": "",        "parameters": { ... }      }    }  }}

Theme Import Workflow

To import a theme:

  1. Create a theme import job with the Create Theme Import Job endpoint.

  2. Upload the file to the storage location specified in the upload object. Upload the file by sending a POST request to the specified upload url. Don't specify any authentication headers. The POST request's Content-Type must be multipart/form-data and each parameter in the parameters object must be provided as a form field in addition to a file field containing the ZIP file to be uploaded.

  3. Poll the job status with the Show Job endpoint to know when the theme is available for use. When the status is "completed", the theme with theme_id is available for use. Avoid polling too frequently to prevent being rate limited. Example: Poll every 5 seconds.

Example script for Theme Import Workflow

Use the following steps to create a simple theme import script using Ruby. The script doesn't include error handling.

  1. Install the following gems:

    gem install faradaygem install faraday-net_httpgem install faraday-multipart
  2. Create a local theme_upload.rb file. Past the following script into the file. Fill in lines 5–9 with your Zendesk account information.

    require 'faraday'require 'faraday/net_http'require 'faraday/multipart'
    subdomain = ''file_path = ''brand_id = ''email = ''password = ''
    conn = do |f|  f.request :json  f.request :authorization, :basic, email, password  f.response :json  f.response :logger, nil, { headers: false, bodies: true}  f.adapter :net_httpend
    response ="https://#{subdomain}",                    { 'job': { 'attributes': { 'brand_id': "#{brand_id}", 'format': 'zip' } } })
    job_id = response.body['job']['id']storage_url = response.body['job']['data']['upload']['url']storage_parameters = response.body['job']['data']['upload']['parameters']
    stor_conn = do |f|  f.request :multipart  f.request :url_encoded  f.adapter :net_httpend
    storage_body = storage_parameters.merge(file:, 'application/zip')), storage_body)
    10.times do  job_status_response = conn.get("https://#{subdomain}{job_id}")
      puts job_status_response.body  break unless job_status_response.body['job']['status'] == 'pending'
  3. In your shell, run the following command to add the theme to your brand:

    ruby theme_upload.rb

Create Theme Update Job

  • POST /api/v2/guide/theming/jobs/themes/updates

The endpoint does not receive the ZIP file itself. See Theme Update Workflow for more information.

This job's data object has the following format:

upload.urlstringOne-time URL for the storage location
upload.parametersobjectParameters to be used when posting the ZIP file to the upload url

Note: The upload parameters should be considered unstable and provided as-is without modification.

Allowed for

  • Guide managers

Request Body Format

job.attributes.theme_idstringId of the theme to export
job.attributes.replace_settingsbooleanWhether or not to replace the current theme settings
job.attributes.formatenumValid enums ["zip"]

Using curl

curl https://{subdomain} \  -d '{"job": { "attributes": { "theme_id": "theme_id", "replace_settings": true, "format":"zip" } } }' \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X POST

Example Response

Status: 202 Accepted
{  "job": {    "id": "a66e7bde543c6b6d018f0e07a654feaf",    "status": "pending",    "errors": null,    "data": {      "upload": {        "url": "",        "parameters": { ... }      }    }  }}

Theme Update Workflow

To update a theme:

  1. Create an theme update job with the Create Theme Update Job endpoint.

  2. Upload the file to the storage location specified in the upload object. Upload the file by sending a POST request to the specified upload url. Don't specify any authentication headers. The POST request's Content-Type must be multipart/form-data and each parameter in the parameters object must be provided as a form field in addition to a file field containing the ZIP file to be uploaded.

  3. Poll the job status with the Show Job endpoint to know when the theme has been updated. When the status is "completed", the theme has been updated to the uploaded version. Avoid polling too frequently to prevent being rate limited. Example: Poll every 5 seconds.

Create Theme Export Job

  • POST /api/v2/guide/theming/jobs/themes/exports

The endpoint does not deliver the ZIP file itself. See Theme Export Workflow for more information.

This job's data object has the following format:

download.urlstringWhere the theme can be downloaded after the job is completed

Allowed for

  • Guide managers

Request Body Format

job.attributes.theme_idstringId of the theme to export
job.attributes.formatenumValid enums ["zip"]

Using curl

curl https://{subdomain} \  -d '{ "job": { "attributes": { "theme_id": "theme_id", "format":"zip" } } }' \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X POST

Example Response

Status: 202 Accepted
{  "job": {    "id": "a66e7bde543c6b6d018f0e07a654feaf",    "status": "pending",    "errors": null,    "data": {      "download": {        "url": ""      }    }  }}

Theme Export Workflow

To export a theme:

  1. Create an theme export job with the Create Theme Export Job endpoint.

  2. Poll the job status with the Show Job endpoint until the job is no longer "pending".

  3. When the job status is "completed", download the theme using the url from the download object.