A post represents content that a user shares with the community.

JSON format

Posts are represented as JSON objects with the following properties:

author_idintegertruefalseThe id of the author of the post. *Writable on create by Help Center managers -- see Create Post
closedbooleanfalsefalseWhether further comments are allowed
comment_countintegertruefalseThe number of comments on the post
content_tag_idsarrayfalsefalseThe list of content tags attached to the post
created_atstringtruefalseWhen the post was created. Writable on create by Help Center managers -- see Create Post
detailsstringfalsefalseThe details of the post made by the author. See User content
featuredbooleanfalsefalseWhether the post is featured
follower_countintegertruefalseThe number of followers of the post
html_urlstringtruefalseThe community url of the post
idintegertruefalseAutomatically assigned when the post is created
non_author_editor_idintegertruefalseThe user id of whoever performed the most recent (if any) non-author edit. A non-author edit consists of an edit make by a user other than the author that creates or updates the title or details. Note that only edits made after May 17, 2021 will be reflected in this field. If no non-author edits have occured since May 17, 2021, then this field will be null.
non_author_updated_atstringtruefalseWhen the post was last edited by a non-author user
pinnedbooleanfalsefalseWhen true, pins the post to the top of its topic
statusstringfalsefalseThe status of the post. Possible values: "planned", "not_planned" , "answered", or "completed"
titlestringfalsetrueThe title of the post
topic_idintegerfalsefalseThe id of the topic that the post belongs to
updated_atstringtruefalseWhen the post was last updated
urlstringtruefalseThe API url of the post
vote_countintegertruefalseThe total number of upvotes and downvotes
vote_sumintegertruefalseThe sum of upvotes (+1) and downvotes (-1), which may be positive or negative

User content

End users can add their own contents in the form of community posts, post comments, or article comments. Collectively, this is called user content. The format of user content is HTML-based.

Content may contain the following standard HTML tags:

  • Paragraphs and blocks: <p>, <div>, <span>, <br>
  • Text formatting: <b>, <i>, <u>, <strong>, <em>, <sub>, <sup>
  • Links and dividers: <a>, <hr>
  • Images: <img> (where the src attribute has to reference a user-uploaded image)
  • Headers: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>
  • Bullet lists: <ul>, <ol>, <li>
  • Description lists: <dl>, <dt>, <dd>
  • Tables: <table>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, <tr>, <th>, <td>, <colgroup>, <col>
  • Quotes and code snippets: <blockquote>, <pre>
  • Semantics: <abbr>, <acronym>, <cite>, <code>, <tt>, <samp>, <kbd>, <var>, <dfn>, <address>

In addition, the content may contain these non-standard HTML tags:

  • @mentions: <x-zendesk-user>, where the contents of the tag should be the user ID of the mentioned user. Example: <x-zendesk-user>1234</x-zendesk-user> to mention the user whose ID is 1234.

Even if the content is validated, the body that's output may not be identical to the request body. For example, adjustments may be made for security or standards-compliance reasons.


{  "author_id": 3465,  "featured": true,  "id": 1635,  "title": "The post"}

List Posts

  • GET /api/v2/community/posts
  • GET /api/v2/community/topics/{topic_id}/posts
  • GET /api/v2/community/users/{user_id}/posts

Lists all posts, all posts in a given topic, or all posts by a specific user. When listing by specific user, the posts of the user making the request can be listed by specifying me as the id.

Allowed for

  • Anonymous users


  • Cursor pagination (recommended)
  • Offset pagination

See Pagination.


You can filter the results with the filter_by query string parameter.

GET /api/v2/community/posts.json?filter_by=completed

The filter_by parameter can have one of the following values:

plannedlist only posts with a status of 'Planned'
not_plannedlist only posts with a status of 'Not planned'
completedlist only posts with a status of 'Completed'
answeredlist only posts with a status of 'Answered'
nonelist only posts with a status of 'None'


You can sort the results with the sort_by query string parameter.

GET /api/v2/community/posts.json?sort_by=comments

The sort_by parameter can have one of the following values:

created_atorder by creation time. Default order
edited_atorder by last edit time
updated_atorder by last update time
recent_activityorder by recent activity on the post
votesorder by vote sum
commentsorder by comment count


You can sideload related records with the include query string parameter. The following sideloads are supported:

NameWill sideload

See Sideloading related records.


filter_bystringQueryfalseFilter the results using the provided value. Allowed values are "planned", "not_planned", "completed", "answered", or "none".
sort_bystringQueryfalseSorts the results using the provided value. Allowed values are "created_at", "edited_at", "updated_at", "recent_activity", "votes", or "comments".

Code Samples

curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/users/{user_id}/posts.json \  -v -u {email_address}/token:{api_token}
import (	"fmt"	"io"	"net/http")
func main() {	url := "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts?filter_by=&sort_by="	method := "GET"	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic <auth-value>") // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"
	client := &http.Client {}	res, err := client.Do(req)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	fmt.Println(string(body))}
import com.squareup.okhttp.*;OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts")		.newBuilder()		.addQueryParameter("filter_by", "")		.addQueryParameter("sort_by", "");String userCredentials = "your_email_address" + "/token:" + "your_api_token";String basicAuth = "Basic " + java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userCredentials.getBytes());
Request request = new Request.Builder()		.url(urlBuilder.build())		.method("GET", null)		.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")		.addHeader("Authorization", basicAuth)		.build();Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var axios = require('axios');
var config = {  method: 'GET',  url: 'https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts',  headers: {	'Content-Type': 'application/json',	'Authorization': 'Basic <auth-value>', // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"  },  params: {    'filter_by': '',    'sort_by': '',  },};
axios(config).then(function (response) {  console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data));}).catch(function (error) {  console.log(error);});
import requestsfrom requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
url = "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts?filter_by=&sort_by="headers = {	"Content-Type": "application/json",}email_address = 'your_email_address'api_token = 'your_api_token'# Use basic authenticationauth = HTTPBasicAuth(f'{email_address}/token', api_token)
response = requests.request(	"GET",	url,	auth=auth,	headers=headers)
require "net/http"require "base64"uri = URI("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts")uri.query = URI.encode_www_form("filter_by": "", "sort_by": "")request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri, "Content-Type": "application/json")email = "your_email_address"api_token = "your_api_token"credentials = "#{email}/token:#{api_token}"encoded_credentials = Base64.strict_encode64(credentials)request["Authorization"] = "Basic #{encoded_credentials}"response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|	http.request(request)end

Example response(s)

200 OK
// Status 200 OK
{  "posts": [    {      "id": 35467,      "title": "How do I open the safe"    }  ]}

Show Post

  • GET /api/v2/community/posts/{post_id}

Gets information about a given post.

Allowed for

  • Anonymous users


The following sideloads are supported:

NameWill sideload


post_idintegerPathtrueThe unique ID of the post

Code Samples

curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/{post_id}.json \  -v -u {email_address}/token:{api_token}
import (	"fmt"	"io"	"net/http")
func main() {	url := "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873"	method := "GET"	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic <auth-value>") // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"
	client := &http.Client {}	res, err := client.Do(req)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	fmt.Println(string(body))}
import com.squareup.okhttp.*;OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873")		.newBuilder();String userCredentials = "your_email_address" + "/token:" + "your_api_token";String basicAuth = "Basic " + java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userCredentials.getBytes());
Request request = new Request.Builder()		.url(urlBuilder.build())		.method("GET", null)		.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")		.addHeader("Authorization", basicAuth)		.build();Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var axios = require('axios');
var config = {  method: 'GET',  url: 'https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873',  headers: {	'Content-Type': 'application/json',	'Authorization': 'Basic <auth-value>', // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"  },};
axios(config).then(function (response) {  console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data));}).catch(function (error) {  console.log(error);});
import requestsfrom requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
url = "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873"headers = {	"Content-Type": "application/json",}email_address = 'your_email_address'api_token = 'your_api_token'# Use basic authenticationauth = HTTPBasicAuth(f'{email_address}/token', api_token)
response = requests.request(	"GET",	url,	auth=auth,	headers=headers)
require "net/http"require "base64"uri = URI("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873")request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri, "Content-Type": "application/json")email = "your_email_address"api_token = "your_api_token"credentials = "#{email}/token:#{api_token}"encoded_credentials = Base64.strict_encode64(credentials)request["Authorization"] = "Basic #{encoded_credentials}"response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|	http.request(request)end

Example response(s)

200 OK
// Status 200 OK
{  "post": {    "author_id": 888887,    "content_tag_ids": [      6776,      4545    ],    "featured": true,    "id": 35467,    "title": "Post title"  }}

Create Post

  • POST /api/v2/community/posts

Adds a post to the specified topic.

Allowed for

  • End users

Agents with the Help Center manager role can optionally supply an author_id as part of the post object. If it is provided, the post's author will be set to the value of the author_id key.

Agents with the Help Center manager role can optionally supply a created_at as part of the post object. If it is not provided created_at is set to the current time.

Supplying a notify_subscribers property with a value of false will prevent subscribers to the post's topic from receiving a post creation email notification. This can be helpful when creating many posts at a time. Specify the property in the root of the JSON object, not in the "post" object. Optionally, you can attach existing content tags by specifying their ids.

Code Samples

curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts.json \  -d '{"post": {"title": "Help!", "details": "My printer is on fire!", "topic_id": 10046}, "notify_subscribers": false}' \-v -u {email_address}/token:{api_token} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
# Setting the post's author:curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts.json \  -d '{"post": {"title": "Help!", "details": "My printer is on fire!", "author_id": 10056, "topic_id": 10046}}' \  -v -u {email_address}/token:{api_token} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
# Attaching content tags to the post:curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts.json \  -d '{"post": {"title": "Help!", "details": "My printer is on fire!", "author_id": 10056, "topic_id": 10046, "content_tag_ids": [6776, 4545]}}' \  -v -u {email_address}/token:{api_token} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
import (	"fmt"	"io"	"net/http")
func main() {	url := "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts"	method := "POST"	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic <auth-value>") // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"
	client := &http.Client {}	res, err := client.Do(req)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	fmt.Println(string(body))}
import com.squareup.okhttp.*;OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts")		.newBuilder();RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/json"),		"""""");String userCredentials = "your_email_address" + "/token:" + "your_api_token";String basicAuth = "Basic " + java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userCredentials.getBytes());
Request request = new Request.Builder()		.url(urlBuilder.build())		.method("POST", body)		.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")		.addHeader("Authorization", basicAuth)		.build();Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var axios = require('axios');
var config = {  method: 'POST',  url: 'https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts',  headers: {	'Content-Type': 'application/json',	'Authorization': 'Basic <auth-value>', // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"  },};
axios(config).then(function (response) {  console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data));}).catch(function (error) {  console.log(error);});
import requestsfrom requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
url = "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts"headers = {	"Content-Type": "application/json",}email_address = 'your_email_address'api_token = 'your_api_token'# Use basic authenticationauth = HTTPBasicAuth(f'{email_address}/token', api_token)
response = requests.request(	"POST",	url,	auth=auth,	headers=headers)
require "net/http"require "base64"uri = URI("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts")request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri, "Content-Type": "application/json")email = "your_email_address"api_token = "your_api_token"credentials = "#{email}/token:#{api_token}"encoded_credentials = Base64.strict_encode64(credentials)request["Authorization"] = "Basic #{encoded_credentials}"response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|	http.request(request)end

Example response(s)

201 Created
// Status 201 Created
{  "post": {    "author_id": 888887,    "content_tag_ids": [      6776,      4545    ],    "featured": true,    "id": 35467,    "title": "Post title"  }}

Update Post

  • PUT /api/v2/community/posts/{post_id}

Allowed for

  • Agents
  • The end user who created the post


post_idintegerPathtrueThe unique ID of the post

Code Samples

curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/{post_id}.json \  -d '{"post": {"title": "Help!", "details": "My printer is on fire!", "topic_id": 10046}}' \  -v -u {email_address}/token:{api_token} -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json"
import (	"fmt"	"io"	"net/http")
func main() {	url := "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873"	method := "PUT"	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic <auth-value>") // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"
	client := &http.Client {}	res, err := client.Do(req)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	fmt.Println(string(body))}
import com.squareup.okhttp.*;OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873")		.newBuilder();RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/json"),		"""""");String userCredentials = "your_email_address" + "/token:" + "your_api_token";String basicAuth = "Basic " + java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userCredentials.getBytes());
Request request = new Request.Builder()		.url(urlBuilder.build())		.method("PUT", body)		.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")		.addHeader("Authorization", basicAuth)		.build();Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var axios = require('axios');
var config = {  method: 'PUT',  url: 'https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873',  headers: {	'Content-Type': 'application/json',	'Authorization': 'Basic <auth-value>', // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"  },};
axios(config).then(function (response) {  console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data));}).catch(function (error) {  console.log(error);});
import requestsfrom requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
url = "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873"headers = {	"Content-Type": "application/json",}email_address = 'your_email_address'api_token = 'your_api_token'# Use basic authenticationauth = HTTPBasicAuth(f'{email_address}/token', api_token)
response = requests.request(	"PUT",	url,	auth=auth,	headers=headers)
require "net/http"require "base64"uri = URI("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873")request = Net::HTTP::Put.new(uri, "Content-Type": "application/json")email = "your_email_address"api_token = "your_api_token"credentials = "#{email}/token:#{api_token}"encoded_credentials = Base64.strict_encode64(credentials)request["Authorization"] = "Basic #{encoded_credentials}"response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|	http.request(request)end

Example response(s)

200 OK
// Status 200 OK
{  "post": {    "author_id": 888887,    "content_tag_ids": [      6776,      4545    ],    "featured": true,    "id": 35467,    "title": "Post title"  }}

Delete Post

  • DELETE /api/v2/community/posts/{post_id}

Allowed for

  • Agents
  • The end user who created the post


post_idintegerPathtrueThe unique ID of the post

Code Samples

curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/{post_id}.json \  -v -u {email_address}/token:{api_token} -X DELETE
import (	"fmt"	"io"	"net/http")
func main() {	url := "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873"	method := "DELETE"	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic <auth-value>") // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"
	client := &http.Client {}	res, err := client.Do(req)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)	if err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)		return	}	fmt.Println(string(body))}
import com.squareup.okhttp.*;OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873")		.newBuilder();String userCredentials = "your_email_address" + "/token:" + "your_api_token";String basicAuth = "Basic " + java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userCredentials.getBytes());
Request request = new Request.Builder()		.url(urlBuilder.build())		.method("DELETE", null)		.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")		.addHeader("Authorization", basicAuth)		.build();Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var axios = require('axios');
var config = {  method: 'DELETE',  url: 'https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873',  headers: {	'Content-Type': 'application/json',	'Authorization': 'Basic <auth-value>', // Base64 encoded "{email_address}/token:{api_token}"  },};
axios(config).then(function (response) {  console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data));}).catch(function (error) {  console.log(error);});
import requestsfrom requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
url = "https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873"headers = {	"Content-Type": "application/json",}email_address = 'your_email_address'api_token = 'your_api_token'# Use basic authenticationauth = HTTPBasicAuth(f'{email_address}/token', api_token)
response = requests.request(	"DELETE",	url,	auth=auth,	headers=headers)
require "net/http"require "base64"uri = URI("https://support.zendesk.com/api/v2/community/posts/360039436873")request = Net::HTTP::Delete.new(uri, "Content-Type": "application/json")email = "your_email_address"api_token = "your_api_token"credentials = "#{email}/token:#{api_token}"encoded_credentials = Base64.strict_encode64(credentials)request["Authorization"] = "Basic #{encoded_credentials}"response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|	http.request(request)end

Example response(s)

204 No Content
// Status 204 No Content