User Profile page
User Profile page
The User Profile page template is rendered when a user navigates to https://{yoursubdomain}{locale}/profiles/{user_id}
Available properties
Name | Type | Description |
description | string | The description of the user |
post_count | integer | The number of posts created by the user |
comment_count | integer | The number of comments created by the user |
vote_count | integer | The number of votes created by the user |
article_count | integer | The number of articles created by the user |
total_activity | integer | The total number of articles, votes, posts, comments, and subscriptions created by the user |
follower_count | integer | The number of followers of the user |
following_count | integer | The number of people that this user is following |
subscription_count | integer | The number of subscriptions created by the user |
member_since | timestamp | The time at which the first contribution has been made by the user |
last_activity_at | timestamp | The time of the last activity of the user |
sorter_description | string | The description for each sorter |
private_profile | boolean | If the help center user profiles setting is private |
visible | boolean | Whether the user profiles setting is public. true for private user profiles only if the viewer is the owner of the profile or is an agent |
activities | array | An array of activity objects |
current_sorter | object | The current sorter object |
sorters | array | An array of filter objects for the page. See Sorters below |
contributions | array | The array of contribution objects |
filters | array | An array of filter objects for the page |
current_filter | object | The current filter object |
user | object | The user object |
signed_in | boolean | Whether the user is logged in or not |
featured_posts | array | An array of featured post objects |
brand | object | A brand object representing the current brand |
user | object | A user object representing the current user |
Available helpers
Name | Description |
subscribe | A link to follow or unfollow new contributions by this user, See subscribe |
actions | A split button menu of possible actions to take on the current user profile, including editing the profile and user badges |
edit | A link to edit the current user profile. Similar to actions but only supports profile editing |
pagination | Pagination links, See pagination helper |
change_password | Show the change password modal. See change_password helper |
Iterating through the filters
array of filter objects adds the following links in the table below to the page. In the tab names, n
is the count.
Identifier | Tab Name (en-us) | Remarks |
activities | Activity overview | |
badges | Badges (n ) | Included if User Badges is enabled. |
articles | Articles (n ) | |
posts | Posts (n ) | Included if Community is enabled |
comments | Comments (n ) | Included if Community is enabled |
Iterating through the sorters
array of filter objects adds the following links to the page:
Link text | Action |
Recent activity | Sorts by the most recent activity in descending order. Activity are actions taken on the object, such as creating or updating it |
Votes | Sorts by the highest vote sum in descending order |
<header class="profile-header">
<div class="profile-info">
<div class="profile-avatar {{#if user.agent}}profile-avatar-agent{{/if}}">
<img class="avatar" src="{{user.avatar_url}}" alt="Avatar"/>
<div class="basic-info">
<h1 class="name">
{{#if user.url}}
<a href="{{user.url}}" target="_zendesk_lotus" title="{{t 'open_user_in_support'}}">{{}}</a>
<div class="options">
{{#if private_profile}}
<span class="profile-private-badge">{{t 'private'}}</span>
{{actions class='user-profile-actions split-button'}}
{{#if description}}
<p class="description">{{description}}</p>
<ul class="profile-stats profile-stats-activity">
<li class="stat">
<span class="stat-label">{{t 'total_activity'}}</span>
<span class="stat-value">{{total_activity}}</span>
<li class="stat">
<span class="stat-label">{{t 'last_activity'}}</span>
<span class="stat-value">
{{#if last_activity_at}}
{{date last_activity_at timeago=true}}
{{t 'no_activity_yet'}}
<li class="stat">
<span class="stat-label">{{t 'member_since'}}</span>
<span class="stat-value">
{{#if member_since}}
{{date member_since timeago=true}}
{{t 'no_activity_yet'}}