Contributions page

The Contributions page template is rendered when a user navigates to https://{yoursubdomain}, https://{yoursubdomain} or https://{yoursubdomain}

Available properties

You can use the following properties in the Contributions page template.

current_filterobjectThe current filter object
contributionsarrayAn array of contribution objects, filtered by current_filter
filtersarrayAn array of filter objects for the page
promoted_articlesarrayAn array of promoted article objects
ticket_formsarrayAn array of ticket form objects
help_centerobjectA help_center object that holds information and settings about the current help center
settingsobjectA settings object with custom settings for the current theme
signed_inbooleanWhether the user is logged in or not
featured_postsarrayAn array of featured post objects

Available helpers

You can use the following helpers in this page template. You can also use any built-in helpers, global helpers, or global advanced helpers.

breadcrumbsBreadcrumbs for the Contributions page. See breadcrumbs helper
paginationPagination links. See pagination helper


<header class="my-activities-header">  {{breadcrumbs}}</header>
<nav class="my-activities-sub-nav nav-bordered">  <ul>    {{#each filters}}      <li>        {{#if selected}}          {{name}}        {{else}}          <a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a>        {{/if}}      </li>    {{/each}}  </ul></nav>
<div class="contributions-list">  <ul>  {{#each contributions}}    <li>      <a href="{{url}}">        {{title}} ({{type}})      </a>    </li>  {{/each}}  </ul></div>