The Footer template is rendered at the bottom of every page in the help center.

Available properties

You can use the following properties in the Footer template.

current_localeobjectA locale object corresponding to the one currently used by the user
alternative_localesarrayAn array of locale objects corresponding to all the available locales in help center except the current one
help_centerobjectA help_center object
settingsobjectA settings object
signed_inbooleanWhether the user is logged in or not
promoted_articlesarrayAn array of promoted article objects
featured_postsarrayAn array of featured post objects
ticket_formsarrayAn array of ticket form objects

Available helpers

You can use the following helpers in this page template. You can also use any built-in helpers, global helpers, or global advanced helpers.

my_profileShows the current user's profile. See my_profile helper
change_passwordShow the change password modal. See change_password helper


{{#if alternative_locales}}  <div class="dropdown language-selector" aria-haspopup="true">    <a class="dropdown-toggle">      {{}}    </a>    <span class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end" role="menu">      {{#each alternative_locales}}        <a href="{{url}}" dir="{{direction}}" rel="nofollow" role="menuitem">          {{name}}        </a>      {{/each}}    </span>  </div>{{/if}}