Community Post List page

The Community Post List page template is rendered when a user navigates to https://{yoursubdomain}{locale}/community/posts.

Available properties

filtersarrayAn array of filter objects for the page
current_filterobjectThe current filter object
sortersarrayAn array of filter objects for the page. See Sorters below
current_sorterobjectThe current filter object
postsarrayAn array of post objects
promoted_articlesarrayAn array of promoted article objects
ticket_formsarrayAn array of ticket form objects
help_centerobjectA help_center object that holds information and settings about the current help center
settingsobjectA settings object with custom settings for the current theme
signed_inbooleanWhether the user is logged in or not
featured_postsarrayAn array of featured post objects
brandobjectA brand object representing the current brand
userobjectA user object representing the current user

Available helpers

You can use the following helpers in this page template. You can also use any built-in helpers, global helpers, or global advanced helpers.

breadcrumbsBreadcrumbs for the Post index page. See breadcrumbs helper
paginationPagination links. See pagination helper


Iterating through the sorters array of filter objects adds the following links to the page:

Link textAction
Newest postSorts by post creation time in descending order
Recent activitySorts by the most recent activity in descending order. Post activity includes actions such as creating a post, commenting on a post, etc.
VotesSorts by highest vote sum in descending order
CommentsSorts by largest number of comments in descending order


<nav class="sub-nav">  {{breadcrumbs}}  {{search}}</nav>
<header class="page-header">  <span class="dropdown">    <span class="dropdown-toggle">      <h1>{{t "community"}}</h1>    </span>    <span class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">      {{link "topics" role="menuitem"}}      {{link "posts" role="menuitem" selected="true"}}    </span>  </span>  <span class="post-to-community">    {{link "new_post" role="button"}}  </span></header>
<div class="topic-header">  <span class="topic-filters">    <span class="dropdown">      <span class="dropdown-toggle">        {{current_filter.selected_name}}      </span>      <span class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">        {{#each filters}}          <a href="{{url}}" aria-selected="{{selected}}" role="menuitem">            {{name}}          </a>        {{/each}}      </span>    </span>    <span class="dropdown">      <span class="dropdown-toggle">        {{current_sorter.selected_name}}      </span>      <span class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">        {{#each sorters}}          <a href="{{url}}" aria-selected="{{selected}}" role="menuitem">            {{name}}          </a>        {{/each}}      </span>    </span>  </span></div>
{{#each posts}}  <div class="post-overview {{#if featured}}post-featured{{/if}} {{#if pinned}}post-pinned{{/if}} clearfix">    <span class="post-overview-info">      <a href="{{url}}" title="{{title}}">{{title}}</a>      <span class="meta-group">        <span>{{}}</span>        <span>{{date created_at timeago=true}}</span>      </span>    </span>    <span class="post-overview-count">      <strong>{{comment_count}}</strong>      {{t "comment" count=comment_count}}    </span>    <span class="post-overview-count">      <strong>{{vote_sum}}</strong>      {{t "vote" count=vote_sum}}    </span>    <span class="post-overview-status">      {{#if status}}        <span class="post-{{}}">{{}}</span>      {{/if}}    </span>  </div>{{/each}}