The Ticket Audits resource in the Support REST API can use the following events to describe the ticket update:

An event will have its own via object if it's different from the via object of the audit. See Support API: Via object reference.

Note: Events may be added at any time by the Zendesk developer team. Please ignore undocumented event types in your integration.

Create event

A ticket property was set on a newly created ticket. A separate event is created for each property set.

Create events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value Create
field_namestringyesThe name of the field that was set
valuestring, array, objectyesThe value of the field that was set

value is normally a string. However, the attribute is an array when the value of field_name is "tags". It's an object when the value of field_name is a SLA event like "first_reply_time". Example:

"value": {  "minutes": 1440,  "in_business_hours":false}


{  "id":         1274,  "type":       "Create"  "field_name": "status",  "value":      "new"}

Change event

A ticket property was updated. The event describes the previous and newly updated value of each ticket property.

Change events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value Change
field_namestringyesThe name of the field that was changed
valuestring, array, objectyesThe value of the field that was changed
previous_valuestring, array, objectyesThe previous value of the field that was changed

value and previous_value are normally strings. However, the attribute is an array when the value of field_name is tags. It's an object when the value of field_name is a SLA event like "first_reply_time".


{  "id":            1274,  "type":          "Change"  "field_name":    "subject",  "value":         "My printer is on fire!",  "previous_value": "I need help!"}

Comment event

A comment was added to the ticket. The event's type is "Comment". The event's properties are identical to the ticket comment object. By default, inline images aren't included in the attachments array. See Ticket comments.


{  "id": 2127301148,  "type": "Comment",  "body": "This is a new private comment",  "html_body": "<p>This is a new private comment</p>",  "public": false,  "created_at": "2015-07-20T22:55:29Z",  "author_id": 123123,  "attachments": []}

Comment redaction event

A word or string was redacted from a ticket comment using the API. See Redact String in Comment. Comment redaction events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value CommentRedactionEvent
comment_idintegeryesThe comment with the redacted text


{  "id": 59542664837,  "comment_id": "59733541888",  "type": "CommentRedactionEvent"}

Attachment redaction event

An attachment was redacted, or permanently deleted, from a ticket comment using the REST API. See Redacting comment attachments. These events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value AttachmentRedactionEvent
attachment_idintegeryesThe redacted attachment
comment_idintegeryesThe comment with the redacted attachment


{  "id": 59549109257,  "type": "AttachmentRedactionEvent",  "attachment_id": 1636097007,  "comment_id": 59738862068}

Voice comment event

A voice comment was added to a ticket with Zendesk Talk.

Voice comment events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value VoiceComment
dataobjectyesProperties describing the voice comment
formatted_fromstringyesA formatted version of the phone number which dialed the call
formatted_tostringyesA formatted version of the phone number which answered the call
bodystringyesComment added to the ticket
html_bodystringyesThe comment formatted to HTML
publicbooleanyesIf true, the ticket requester can see the comment. If false, only agents can see it
trustedbooleanyesIf this comment is trusted or marked as being potentially fraudulent
author_idintegeryesThe comment author, typically the agent assigned to the ticket
transcription_visiblebooleanyesWhether the transcription is visible on the ticket
attachmentsarrayyesThe attachments on this comment as Attachment objects


{  "id":   215546547,  "type": "VoiceComment",  "body": ""Inbound call from +1 (123) 654-7890\nCall Details:\n\nCall from...",  "data": {    "answered_by_id":       63197591,    "answered_by_name":     "Keith Hayward",    "author_id":            63197591,    "brand_id":             1156956,    "call_duration":        64,    "call_id":              129873628,    "from":                 "+11236547890",    "location":             "Roselle, Illinois, United States",    "to":                   "+11233257890",    "public":               false,    "recording_url":        "",    "started_at":           "2016-12-20T16:30:16Z",    "transcription_status": "completed",    "transcription_text":   "Hello, I have a problem with...",    "via_id":               34  },  "formatted_from":        "+1 (123) 654-7890",  "formatted_to":          "+1 (123) 325-7890",  "transcription_visible": false,  "public":                false,  "html_body":             "<div class=\"zd-comment\">\n<p dir=\"auto\">Inbound call from +1 (123) 654-7890<br>\nCall Details...",  "author_id":             63197591,  "trusted":               true,  "attachments":           []}


  • data.answered_by_id is not present for voicemails
  • data.transcription_status and data.transcription_text are only present for voicemails with transcription enabled

Comment privacy change event

A public comment was marked as private.

Ticket comment privacy change events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value CommentPrivacyChange
comment_idintegeryesThe id if the comment that changed privacy
publicbooleanyesTells if the comment was made public or private


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "CommentPrivacyChange",  "comment_id": 453,  "public": false}

Suspended ticket recovery event

A suspended ticket was recovered.

Suspended ticket recovery events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value SuspendedTicketRecovery
viaobjectyesThe suspended ticket that created the ticket. See Via object reference
causestringyesThe details of the suspension. See Cause of suspension reference
cause_namestringyesThe key of the cause of suspension. See Cause of suspension reference
cause_idintegeryesThe id of the cause of suspension. See Cause of suspension reference
recovery_detailsstringyesThe details of the recovery, including the recovery type and the recovery author's name
recovery_typestringyesThe type of recovery. May be manual or automatic
recovered_atdatetimeyesThe date of recovery
recovered_byintegeryesThe user who performed the recovery


{  "id": 10471060966419,  "type": "SuspendedTicketRecovery",  "via": {    "channel": "suspended_ticket",    "source": {      "to": {},      "from": {        "id": 10471036265747      },      "rel": "suspended_ticket"    }  },  "cause": "Automated response email, delivery failed",  "cause_name": "auto_delivery_failure",  "cause_id": 7,  "recovery_details": "Recovered automatically by Admin",  "recovery_type": "automatic",  "recovered_at": "2022-10-17T18:35:27Z",  "recovered_by": 2987483127}

Notification event

A notification was sent by a business rule such as a trigger when the ticket was created or updated.

Notifications have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value Notification
subjectstringyesThe subject of the message sent to the recipients
bodystringyesThe message sent to the recipients
recipientsarrayyesAn array of simple objects with the ids and names of the recipients of this notification
viaobjectyesThe business rule that created the notification. See Via object reference


{  "id":         1275,  "type":       "Notification"  "subject":    "Your ticket has been updated"  "body":       "Ticket #235 has been updated"  "recipients": [847390, 93905],  "via": {    "channel": "system",    "source": {      "type":  "rule",      "id":    61,      "title": "Notify assignee of comment update"    }  }}

Notification with CCs event

A notification was sent to the requester and email CCs.

Notifications have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value NotificationWithCcs
subjectstringyesThe subject of the message sent to the recipients
bodystringyesThe message sent to the recipients
recipientsarrayyesAn array of simple objects with the ids and names of the recipients of this notification
viaobjectyesThe business rule that created the notification. See Via object reference


{  "id":         1275,  "type":       "NotificationWithCcs"  "subject":    "Your ticket has been updated"  "body":       "Ticket #235 has been updated"  "recipients": [847390, 93905],  "via": {    "channel": "system",    "source": {      "type":  "rule",      "id":    61,      "title": "Notify requester and email CCs of comment update"    }  }}

SMS notification event

An SMS notification was sent by a business rule such as a trigger when the ticket was created or updated.

Notifications have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value SmsNotification
bodystringyesThe message sent to the recipients
recipientsarrayyesAn array of simple objects with the ids and names of the recipients of this notification


{  "id":         1275,  "type":       "SmsNotification"  "body":       "Ticket #235 has been updated"  "recipients": [847390, 93905]}

CC event

A cc (also known as a collaborator) was notified when the ticket was updated.

Ticket CC Events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value Cc
bodystringyesThe message sent to the recipients
recipientsarrayyesA array of simple objects with the ids and names of the recipients of this notification
viaobjectyesA reference to the business rule that created this notification. See Via object reference


{  "id":         1275,  "type":       "Cc"  "recipients": [93905],  "body": "You are registered as a CC on this request ({{}}). Reply to this email to add a comment to the request.\n\n{{ticket.comments_formatted}}",  "via": {    "channel": "system",    "source": {      "type":  "rule",      "id":    62,      "title": "Notify collaborator of comment update"    }  }}

Follower notification event

A follower was notified when the ticket was updated.

Ticket follower notification events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value FollowerNotificationEvent
subjectstringyesThe subject of the message sent to the recipients
bodystringyesThe message sent to the recipients
recipientsarrayyesAn array of simple objects with the ids and names of the recipients of this notification
viaobjectyesA reference to the business rule that created this notification. See Via object reference


{  "id":         1275,  "type":       "FollowerNotification",  "subject":    "Your ticket has been updated",  "body":       "You are a Follower on this request ({{}}). {{ticket.follower_reply_type_message}}\n\n{{ticket.comments_formatted}}"  "recipients": [847390],  "via": {    "channel": "system",    "source": {      "type":  "rule",      "id":    61,      "title": "Notify follower of comment update"    }  }}

Follower change event

Followers have been added or removed from the ticket.

Follower change events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value "FollowersChange"
previous_followersarrayyesThe previous followers on the ticket
current_followersarrayyesThe current followers on the ticket


{  "id":                 1274,  "type":               "FollowerChange"  "previous_followers": ["agent_uno@{subdomain}.com","agent_dos@{subdomain}.com"]  "current_followers":  ["agent_uno@{subdomain}.com"]}

Email CC change event

Email CCs have been added or removed from the ticket.

Email CC change events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value EmailCcChange
previous_email_ccsarrayyesThe previous email CCs on the ticket
current_email_ccsarrayyesThe current email CCs on the ticket


{  "id":                 1274,  "type":               "EmailCcChange"  "previous_email_ccs": ["agent_uno@{subdomain}.com",""]  "current_email_ccs":  [""]}

Macro reference event

Macro reference events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when creating events
typestringyesHas the value MacroReference
macro_idintegeryesThe id of the macro this event refers to
macro_titlestringyesThe title of the macro this event refers to
macro_deletedbooleanyesWhether or not the macro this event refers to is deleted
viaobjectyesHow the event was created. See Via object reference


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "AgentMacroReference",  "via": {    "channel": "web",    "source": {      "from": {},      "to": {},      "rel": null    }  },  "macro_id": 45345,  "macro_title": "Downgrade ticket",  "macro_deleted": false}

Satisfaction rating event

Satisfaction rating events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when creating events
typestringyesHas the value SatisfactionRating
scorestringyesThe rating state "offered", "unoffered", "good", "bad"
assignee_idintegeryesWho the ticket was assigned to upon rating time
bodystringyesThe users comment posted during rating


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "SatisfactionRating",  "score": "good",  "assignee_id": 87374,  "body": "Thanks, you guys are great!"}

Ticket sharing event

Ticket sharing events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when creating events
typestringyesHas the value TicketSharingEvent
agreement_idintegeryesThe sharing agreement id
actionstringyesEither shared or unshared


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "TicketSharingEvent",  "agreement_id": 3454,  "action": "shared"}

Organization subscription notification event

A notification was sent to the organization subscribers when somebody in the organization submitted a ticket.

This feature was available in the classic version of the Zendesk Support user interface. In the current version of Zendesk Support, you can use the Organization Subscriptions API to create the subscriptions.

Organization subscription notification events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value OrganizationActivity
subjectstringyesThe subject of the message sent to the recipients
bodystringyesThe message sent to the recipients
recipientsarrayyesAn array of simple objects with the ids and names of the recipients of the notification
viaobjectyesA reference to the trigger that created the notification. See Via object reference


{  "id":         1275,  "type":       "OrganizationActivity"  "subject":    "Your ticket has been updated"  "body":       "Ticket #235 has been updated"  "recipients": [847390, 93905],  "via": {    "channel": "system",    "source": {      "type":  "rule",      "id":    61,      "title": "Notify requester of comment update"    }  }}

SLA target change event

SLA target change events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when creating events
typestringyesHas the value Change
previous_valueobjectyesPrevious value in minutes, and indicator of whether the value was in calendar hours or business hours. May be empty
valueobjectyesCurrent value in minutes, and indicator of whether the value was in calendar hours or business hours. May be empty
field_namestringyesThe identifier of the SLA metric. May be "first_reply_time" or "requester_wait_time"
viaobjectyesVia information. See Via object reference


{  "id": 4497,  "type": "Change",  "previous_value": { "minutes": 150, "business_hours": false },  "value": { "minutes": 45, "in_business_hours": false },  "field_name": "requester_wait_time",  "via": {    "source": {      "rel": "sla_target_change"    },    "current_sla_policy": "for demo"  }}

Error event

An error occurred during the processing of the ticket.

Ticket errors have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is creating
typestringyesHas the value Error
messagestringyesThe error message


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "Error",  "message": 453}

Tweet event

A comment was added to the ticket from X (formerly Twitter).

Tweet events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value Tweet
direct_messagebooleanyesWhether this tweet was a direct message
bodystringyesThe body of the tweet
recipientsarrayyesThe recipients of this tweet


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "Tweet",  "direct_message": false,  "body": "Hi there",  "recipients": [847390, 93905]}

Facebook event

A comment was posted on a Facebook Wall, or a private message was sent to a Facebook Page.

Facebook events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value FacebookEvent
pagehashyesThe name and graph id of the Facebook Page associated with the event
communicationintegeryesThe Zendesk Support id of the associated communication (wall post or message)
ticket_viastringyes"post" or "message" depending on the association with a wall post or a private message
bodystringyesThe value of the message posted to Facebook


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "FacebookEvent",  "page": {    "name": "Zendesk",    "graph_id": "61675732935"  },  "communication": 5,  "ticket_via": "post",  "body": "Thanks!"}

Facebook comment event

A comment was added to a ticket from Facebook.

Facebook comments have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value FacebookComment
dataobjectyesProperties of the Facebook comment
bodystringyesThe actual comment made by the author
html_bodystringyesThe actual comment made by the author formatted as HTML
publicbooleanyesIf this is a public comment or an internal-agents-only note
trustedbooleanyesIf this comment is trusted or marked as being potentially fraudulent
author_idintegeryesThe id of the author of this comment
graph_object_idstringyesThe graph object id of the associated Facebook Wall post or message


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "FacebookComment",  "data": {    "type": "status"    "content": "asrk2d",    "attachments": [      {        "id": "70713f06c93b0cba705cc10239ea3e4c",        "mime_type": "image/png",        "name": "transpmentor.png",        "size": 26981      }    ],    "via_zendesk": false  },  "public": true,  "author_id": 1,  "body": "Thanks for your help!",  "html_body": "<p>Thanks for your help!</p>",  "trusted": true,  "graph_object_id": "152318411530606_1523184115123123",  "attachments": []}

External event

External ticket events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value External
resourcestringyesExternal target id
bodystringyesTrigger message for this target event


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "External",  "resource": 135476,  "body": "Target this ticket {{}}"}

LogMeIn transcript event

LogMeIn transcript events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when creating events
typestringyesHas the value LogMeInTranscript
bodystringyesAn audit of the transcript


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "LogMeInTranscript",  "body": "Session ID: 1234 Technician name: Johnny User Technician email: ..."}

Push event

Information was pushed to an external target. See Notifying external targets in Zendesk help.

Push events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value Push
valuestringyesData being pushed out of our system
value_referencestringyesA reference to the destination of the data


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "Push",  "value": "<li><strong>Project</strong>: Internal</li><li><strong>Task</strong>: Admin...",  "value_reference": "Harvest Time Tracking"}

Chat started event

A chat, Zendesk messaging, or social messaging conversation was started in Agent Workspace.

Chat started events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value ChatStartedEvent
valuearrayyesProperties of the messaging conversation
historyarrayyesData about chat events
webpatharrayyesThe webpath for the messaging conversation
attachmentsarrayyesThe attachments on this conversation as Attachment objects


{  "id": 1717959154921,  "type": "ChatStartedEvent",  "value": {    "visitor_id": "10655845-15VkFHoZI7rnzrO",    "chat_id": "2108.10655845.SfiWb2lS6gX6c",    "tags": ["whatsapp_chat"]  }}

Chat ended event

A chat, Zendesk messaging, or social messaging conversation was ended in Agent Workspace.

Chat ended events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value ChatEndedEvent
valuearrayyesProperties of the messaging conversation
attachmentsarrayyesThe attachments on this conversation as Attachment objects


{  "id": 1920482841485,  "type": "ChatEndedEvent",  "value": {    "chat_id": "2108.10655845.SfiWb2lS6gX6c",    "visitor_id": "10655845-15VkFHoZI7rnzrO",    "is_served": false,    "tags": ["whatsapp_chat"]  },  "attachments": []}

Skill assigned event

One or more skills were assigned to the ticket. In this event, skills are named attribute values. Skill types are named attributes.

Skill assigned events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value AssociateAttValsEvent
attribute_valuesarrayyesSkills assigned to the ticket. attribute_id is the id for the skill type


{  "id": 11654650767636,  "type": "AssociateAttValsEvent",  "attribute_values": [    {      "id": "2aa15dcf-7d4f-11ed-8b72-9b5bb2ceed2e",      "name": "Python",      "attribute_id": "2867e888-7d4f-11ed-8b72-85e72d02c5e0"    }  ]}

Survey offered event

A survey was offered to a set of responders.

Survey offered events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value SurveyOffered
assigned_user_idintegeryesThe id of the user assigned to the ticket at the time the survey was offered. In case there is no user assigned at that time, the value of this field is null
assigned_group_idintegeryesThe id of the group assigned to the ticket at the time the survey was offered. In case there is no group assigned at that time, the value of this field is null
survey_idstringyesA ULID representing the survey that was offered
survey_typestringyesThe type of the survey that was offered


{  "id": 11654650767636,  "type": "SurveyOffered",  "assigned_user_id": 123123,  "assigned_group_id": 30768,  "survey_id": "01J8M766YV6FTKCCBQ0Z85YND5",  "survey_type": "CustomerSatisfaction"}

Survey response submitted event

A survey response was submitted by one of the responders.

Survey response submitted events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value SurveyResponseSubmitted
assigned_user_idintegeryesThe id of the user assigned to the ticket at the time the survey response was submitted. In case there is no user assigned at that time, the value of this field is null
assigned_group_idintegeryesThe id of the group assigned to the ticket at the time the survey response was submitted. In case there is no group assigned at that time, the value of this field is null
survey_response_idstringyesA ULID representing the survey response that was submitted
survey_typestringyesThe type of the survey that was offered


{  "id": 11654650767636,  "type": "SurveyResponseSubmitted",  "assigned_user_id": 123123,  "assigned_group_id": 30768,  "survey_response_id": "01J8M766YV6FTKCCBQ0Z85YND5",  "survey_type": "CustomerSatisfaction"}

Offered To event

The ticket was offered to an agent by omnichannel routing. If using skill-based routing, the audit event also contains the list of skills used to match the ticket to the agent.

Offered To Events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value OfferedToEvent
assigneeintegeryesThe id of the agent the ticket was offered to
skillsarrayyesSkills used to route the ticket to an agent. The ticket might have other skills that timed out during the routing process. attribute_id is the id for the skill type


{  "id": 8307193253373,  "type": "OfferedToEvent",  "assignee": 199404753,  "skills": [    {      "id": "189b8a13-2926-46b1-a6de-5b482183d4b2",      "name": "english",      "attribute_id": "ca712d80-232d-11ef-8f9d-55bad2e0a8c4"    },    {      "id": "7ab97a79-5f9b-425c-9e39-d4a9d3d143c6",      "name": "flemish",      "attribute_id": "ca712d80-232d-11ef-8f9d-55bad2e0a8c4"    }  ]}

Routing channel event

The routing channel of the ticket was changed.

The routing channel is used by Omnichannel Routing to determine which channel the ticket is to be routed in. When a ticket is created, the routing channel of the ticket is determined by the via type.

While the via type of a ticket does not change, the routing channel can change according to some action or setting. For example, in Omnichannel Routing settings, if the option to change agent-ended messaging sessions to email tickets is enabled, the routing channel can change from Messaging to Email.

Routing channel events have the following properties:

idintegeryesAutomatically assigned when the event is created
typestringyesHas the value RoutingChannelEvent
previousstringyesThe previous routing channel
currentstringyesThe current routing channel


{  "id": 1274,  "type": "RoutingChannelEvent",  "previous": "MESSAGING",  "current": "SUPPORT"}