Setting skill priority with skills in trigger action

Skills priority option for 'add_skills' and 'set_skills' trigger actions

If omnichannel routing is activated for your account, you can use triggers to add and modify skills on tickets. Additionally, the add_skills and set_skills trigger actions include an option to configure which of the skills can timeout and which are always considered by omnichannel routing. Required skills are always considered by omnichannel routing when assigning the ticket to an agent, while optional skills remain on the ticket but are only considered by omnichannel routing before the skills timeout occurs. This priority setting is only applicable when you've turned on skills timeout. Possible value: 0 and 1. A value of 0 means the skill is required and can't timeout. A value of 1 means the skill is optional and shouldn't be considered after a skills timeout occurs. The default value is 1.

The priority value is appended to each skill's UUID in the array of skills you are adding or updating on the ticket using the format skill_uuid#priority. For example:



In the following example, the add_skills action is configured to add three skills. Two of them are optional, and one is required. After a skills timeout occurs, omnichannel routing would only consider the eb3306b5-182a-4dfe-8501-e62a270e7012 skill.

"field": "add_skills","value": [           "ea535736-d36b-45d2-a00e-14a274588c87#1",           "eb3306b5-182a-4dfe-8501-e62a270e7012#0",           "7ffed381-a9e2-4524-9ff9-f3dc46ec33b0#1"          ]

The following example demonstrates how that add_skills action fits into the trigger JSON object:

{    "trigger": {        "url": "",        "id": 7928977958141,        "title": "add skill",        "active": true,        "updated_at": "2024-08-15T16:05:43Z",        "created_at": "2024-04-18T13:10:57Z",        "default": false,        "actions": [            {                "field": "add_skills",                "value": [                           "ea535736-d36b-45d2-a00e-14a274588c87#1",                           "eb3306b5-182a-4dfe-8501-e62a270e7012#0",                           "7ffed381-a9e2-4524-9ff9-f3dc46ec33b0#1"                ]            }        ],        "conditions": {            "all": [                {                    "field": "current_tags",                    "operator": "includes",                    "value": "add_skills"                }            ],            "any": []        },        "description": "sdfds",        "position": 3,        "raw_title": "add skill",        "category_id": "7661965594365"    }}