Frequently asked questions
Top questions
- What is Sunshine Conversations?
- What is the Sunshine API?
- What are the common tasks for the product APIs?
- What’s a Zendesk app?
- What are Zendesk embeddables?
- How do I add the Web Widget to my website?
- What is Sunshine Conversations?
- What is the Sunshine API?
- What are Sunshine custom objects in layman's terms?
- How many custom object records can I save?
- What are the rate limits for the Custom Objects API?
- How do I create custom objects?
- How do I create profiles?
- How do I create events?
Product APIs
Get started
- Is there a quick start tutorial?
- How do I get data from my account with the API?
- How do I build a custom ticket form with the API?
- How do I run the curl examples in the docs?
- What are the common tasks for the product APIs?
- How do I paginate through a list of results?
- How do I sideload related records
Rate limits
Get started
- What’s a Zendesk app?
- Is there a quick start tutorial?
- How do I build an app for Support?
- How do I build an app for Chat?
- How do apps work?
- How do I install the Zendesk Command Line Interface (ZCLI)?
- How to I set up a new app?
- How do I make API requests from an app?
- What are best practices for building an app?
Deploy an app
Web Widget
Support SDK for mobile