Supported appointment attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | number | Unique identifier of the appointment. |
creator_id | number | Unique identifier of the user who created the appointment. |
user_id | number | Unique identifier of the user the appointment is assigned to. |
name | string | Name of the appointment. |
all_day | boolean | Indicator of whether the appointment is all day or not. |
location | string | Location of the appointment. |
send_updates | boolean | Indicator of whether invitation updates are sent to meeting attendees. |
reminder_offset | number | Reminder offset from start_date in minutes. |
description | string | The appointment's description. |
start_at | string | Date and time on which appointment begins in UTC (ISO8601 format). |
end_at | string | Date and time on which appointment ends in UTC (ISO8601 format). |
invitations | array | An array of invitations related with the appointment. |
contexts | array | An array of deals related with the appointment. |
created_at | string | Date and time of appointment creation in UTC (ISO8601 format). |
Stream Appointments
Read the stream of appointment events.
See the Firehose Overview article for more details on request and response formats and parameters.
GET /v3/appointments/stream
Read the stream of appointment events
GET /v3/appointments/stream?position=tail
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN
User-Agent: $CLIENT_NAME
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items": [
"data": {
"id": 1060118,
"creator_id": 113859,
"user_id": 113859,
"name": "John Smith Interview",
"all_day": false,
"location": "1 Raymond Ave, IL 3333",
"send_updates": true,
"reminder_offset": 30,
"description": "appointment's description",
"start_at": "2017-11-09T13:00:00Z",
"end_at": "2017-11-09T15:00:00Z",
"contexts": [
"contextable_id": 2502127,
"contextable_type": "deal",
"id": 9080
"invitations": [
"invitable_id": 6370959,
"id": 1325668,
"invitable_type": "contact",
"email": "",
"status": "pending"
"created_at": "2017-11-07T12:31:35Z"
"meta": {
"event_cause": "interaction",
"sequence": 1,
"event_id": "cbA1jmz4Sfea3kw8CJtAsg",
"event_type": "created",
"type": "appointment",
"event_time": "2017-11-07T12:31:40Z"
"meta": {
"links": {
"next": ""
"position": "ZmlyZWhvc2UuYXBwb2ludG1lbnQuYnlfYWNjb3VudCw3LDMxMzQz",
"top": true