Supported call attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | number | Unique identifier of the call. |
user_id | number | Unique identifier of the user who performed the call. |
summary | string | Content of the note about this call. |
recording_url | string | URL pointing to call recording. |
outcome_id | number | Unique identifier of Call Outcome assigned to the call. |
duration | number | Duration of the call in seconds. |
phone_number | string | Phone number of the person with which the call was made. |
incoming | boolean | Indicator of whether the call was incoming or not. |
missed | boolean | Indicator of whether the call was missed (not answered) by the user or not. |
resource_type | string | Name of the resource type the call is attached to. Possible values: lead , contact , prospect_and_customer |
resource_id | number | Unique identifier of the resource the call is attached to. |
associated_deal_ids | array | An array of ids of deals associated to the call. |
made_at | string | Date and time that the call was made in UTC (ISO8601 format). |
created_at | string | Date and time that the call was created in UTC (ISO8601 format). |
Stream Call
Read the stream of call events.
See the Firehose Overview article for more details on request and response formats and parameters.
GET /v3/calls/stream
Read the stream of call events
GET /v3/calls/stream?position=tail
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN
User-Agent: $CLIENT_NAME
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items": [
"data": {
"summary": "Call with ABC",
"made_at": "2017-06-21T09:39:36Z",
"outcome_id": 1886537,
"incoming": false,
"recording_url": "",
"associated_deal_ids": [],
"missed": false,
"resource_type": "prospect_and_customer",
"created_at": "2017-06-21T09:39:36Z",
"duration": 455,
"user_id": 1144452,
"resource_id": 155014507,
"phone_number": "+33241599610",
"id": 37026060
"meta": {
"event_cause": "interaction",
"sequence": 3,
"event_id": "YTA_kLptS0OvPsFdiKpWeQ",
"event_type": "created",
"type": "call",
"event_time": "2017-06-21T09:48:11Z"
"meta": {
"links": {
"next": ""
"position": "ZmlyZWhvc2UuZmFjdG9pZC5jb250YWN0LnNuYXBzaG90cywxLDMwNTQ5Mg==",
"top": false