Supported deal attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | number | Unique identifier of the deal. |
creator_id | number | Unique identifier of the user who created the deal. |
owner_id | number | Unique identifier of the user that the deal is assigned to. |
name | string | Name of the deal. |
value | string | Value of the deal (decimal format) in a currency specified in the currency field. eg. "10.25" |
currency | string | Currency of the deal, specified in 3-character currency code (ISO4217) format. eg. "EUR" |
hot | boolean | Indicator of whether or not the deal is hot. |
stage_id | number | Unique identifier of the deal's current stage in the pipeline. |
source_id | number | Unique identifier of the Source. |
loss_reason_id | number | Unique identifier of the Reason why the deal was lost. |
last_stage_change_at | string | Date and time when the deal was moved into the current stage in UTC (ISO8601 format). |
last_stage_change_by_id | number | Unique identifier of the user who moved the deal into the current stage. |
dropbox_email | string | Dropbox email connected with the deal. |
contact_id | number | Unique identifier of a primary contact. |
organization_id | number | Unique identifier of an organization. |
estimated_close_date | string ("2015-06-19") | Estimated close date of the deal (ISO8601). |
customized_win_likelihood | number | User set estimated win likelihood value. |
tags | array | An array of tags for a deal. See more at Tag. |
custom_field_values | array | An array of custom field values for a deal. See more at Custom Field Value. |
created_at | string | Date and time that the deal was created in UTC (ISO8601 format). |
Stream Deals
Read the stream of deal events.
See the Firehose Overview article for more details on request and response formats and parameters.
GET /v3/deals/stream
Read the stream of deal events
GET /v3/deals/stream?position=tail
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN
User-Agent: $CLIENT_NAME
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items": [
"data": {
"owner_id": 238218,
"estimated_close_date": null,
"id": 1125563,
"loss_reason_id": null,
"stage_id": 1,
"last_stage_change_at": "2014-08-27T16:32:56Z",
"last_stage_change_by_id": 1,
"tags": [
"data": {
"name": "a",
"resource_type": "deal",
"id": 527372
"meta": {
"type": "tag"
"name": "Website Redesign (sample deal)",
"creator_id": 238218,
"created_at": "2016-04-28T09:25:33Z",
"hot": true,
"dropbox_email": "",
"contact_id": 4464484,
"organization_id": 2,
"currency": "USD",
"value": "10112.12",
"customized_win_likelihood": null,
"custom_field_values": [
"value": "stationary",
"custom_field": {
"data": {
"name": "String CF",
"resource_type": "deal",
"id": 26724,
"type": "string"
"meta": {
"type": "custom_field"
"source_id": 770234
"meta": {
"event_id": "NO798HwmS6qA2_B18unyTQ",
"event_cause": "system",
"sequence": 63,
"event_time": "2016-08-22T15:14:23Z",
"event_type": "updated",
"type": "deal",
"previous": {
"custom_field_values": []
"meta": {
"links": {
"next": ""
"position": "ZmlyZWhvc2UuZmFjdG9pZC5jb250YWN0LnNuYXBzaG90cywxLDMwNTQ5Mg==",
"top": false