Unqualified Reasons

Supported unqualified reason attributes:

idnumberUnique identifier of the unqualified reason.
namestringHuman-friendly unqualified reason explanation.
creator_idnumberUnique identifier of the user the unqualified reason was created by.
resource_typestringType name of the resource the source is attached to. <Possible values: deal
created_atstringDate and time that the unqualified reason was created in UTC (ISO8601 format).


Stream Unqualified Reason

Read the stream of unqualified reason events.

See the Firehose Overview article for more details on request and response formats and parameters.


GET /v3/unqualified_reasons/stream


Read the stream of unqualified reasons events

GET /v3/unqualified_reasons/stream?position=tailAccept: application/jsonAuthorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKENUser-Agent: $CLIENT_NAME
HTTP/1.1 200 OK   Content-Type: application/json
{ "items": [    {      "data": {        "name": "Other",        "creator_id": 433089,        "resource_type": "deal",        "created_at": "2017-09-24T00:32:49Z",        "id": 221623      },      "meta": {        "event_cause": "interaction",        "sequence": 1,        "event_id": "hvcsiXllSGWnM1W9vV1BwQ",        "event_type": "created",        "type": "unqualified_reason",        "event_time": "2017-09-24T00:32:50Z"      }    }  ],  "meta": {    "links": {      "next": "https://api.getbase.com/v3/unqualified_reasons/stream?position=ZmlyZWhvc2UuZmFjdG9pZC5jb250YWN0LnNuYXBzaG90cywxLDMwNTQ5Mg=="    },    "position": "ZmlyZWhvc2UuZmFjdG9pZC5jb250YWN0LnNuYXBzaG90cywxLDMwNTQ5Mg==",    "top": false  }}