ZIS bundle: Parsing and sending an event to an external API

The following example bundle uses the Transform action to parse an event payload into a string. The bundle then posts the string to a RequestBin endpoint URL. The URL represents an external API.

The bundle allows you to see the incoming event payload ($.input) and other data available in the ZIS flow object ($.subdomain, $.integration_key, $.account_id). See Data accessible to Actions in flows.

{  "zis_template_version": "2019-10-14",  "name": "Simple event parser",  "description": "React to incoming events by parsing the entire payload and sending it to an external API",  "resources": {    "external_api.post_message": {      "type": "ZIS::Action::Http",      "properties": {        "name": "external_api.post_message",        "definition": {          "method": "POST",          "url.$": "$.external_api_url",          "requestBody": {            "text.$": "$.message"          }        }      }    },    "parse_and_dump_event_flow": {      "type": "ZIS::Flow",      "properties": {        "name": "parse_and_dump_event_flow",        "definition": {          "StartAt": "ParseEvent",          "States": {            "ParseEvent": {              "Type": "Action",              "ActionName": "zis:common:transform:Jq",              "Parameters": {                "expr": "[((. | to_entries) | map(\"\" + .key + \": \" + (.value | tostring)) | join(\",\") | tostring)]",                "data.$": "$"              },              "ResultPath": "$.external_api.message",              "Next": "PostMessageToExternalApi"            },            "PostMessageToExternalApi": {              "Type": "Action",              "ActionName": "zis:INTEGRATION:action:external_api.post_message",              "Parameters": {                "external_api_url": "REQUESTBIN_URL",                "message.$": "A thing happened, and the incoming event payload is: {{$.external_api.message}}"              },              "End": true            }          }        }      }    },    "parse_and_dump_event_job_spec": {      "type": "ZIS::JobSpec",      "properties": {        "name": "parse_and_dump_event_job_spec",        "event_source": "support",        "event_type": "ticket.CommentAdded",        "flow_name": "zis:INTEGRATION:flow:parse_and_dump_event_flow"      }    }  }}

Replace the following placeholders with your own values:

  • "INTEGRATION" with the name of your integration
  • "REQUESTBIN_URL" with a RequestBin endpoint URL. Example: "https://abc123.x.pipedream.net".