Wait state

A Wait state pauses a ZIS flow for a specified number of seconds.

"WaitThreeSeconds": {  "Type": "Wait",  "Seconds": 3,  "Next": "NextState"}

Supported properties

A Wait state supports most common state properties. A Wait state also requires exactly one of the following properties.

SecondsnumberSeconds to wait before transitioning to the next state. Can be an integer or double-precision floating-point number. The value must be greater than zero
SecondsPathstringReference path to the number of seconds to wait before transitioning to the next state. The path must point to an integer or double-precision floating-point number. If the path points to a value less than or equal to zero, the state transitions immediately


  • You can't use a Wait state to exceed the maximum runtime for a ZIS flow. If a flow times out during a Wait state, ZIS ends the state early.

  • A ZIS Wait state doesn't support the Timestamp or TimestampPath properties from the Amazon States Language.