Localizing the UI
This page shows you how to localize or customize strings in the SDK UI.
Strings in the Zendesk SDK are localized into 33 languages.
The strings contained in the SDK are only related to UI components. Any string that's part of the conversation screen is provided and/or translated by the Flow Builder, by an agent in the ticket, or by an integration.
Note: If you change the locale programmatically during the runtime of the application, the change won't be applied to the UI element. The UI element relies solely on the device locale. To change the UI element, you must restart the application to update the locale of the device itself.
List of localized strings
To change the default strings in your application, add replacements for the following strings. Make sure to include placeholders in the replacements of any strings that contain them.
"zma_accessibility_loading_label" = "Loading";
"zma_accessibility_message_author_replied" = "%@ replied";
"zma_action_label_cancel" = "Cancel";
"zma_actions_attachments_label" = "Send an attachment";
"zma_alert_message_label_camera" = "Camera";
"zma_alert_message_label_discard" = "Discard changes";
"zma_alert_message_label_document" = "Document";
"zma_alert_message_label_photoLibrary" = "Photo library";
"zma_attachment_type_not_supported" = "Attachment type not supported";
"zma_back_button_accessibility_label" = "Go back";
"zma_carousel_action_not_supported" = "Option not supported";
"zma_connection_banner_label_disconnected" = "Offline. You won't receive messages.";
"zma_connection_banner_label_reconnected" = "You're now online";
"zma_connection_banner_label_reconnecting" = "Reconnecting...";
"zma_contextual_menu_copy" = "Copy";
"zma_conversation_error_tap_to_retry" = "Tap to retry";
"zma_conversation_header_logo" = "Brand logo";
"zma_conversation_list_failed_to_load" = "Conversations failed to load";
"zma_conversation_list_item_description_carousel" = "Sent a carousel";
"zma_conversation_list_item_description_file" = "Sent a file";
"zma_conversation_list_item_description_form" = "Sent a form";
"zma_conversation_list_item_description_image" = "Sent an image";
"zma_conversation_list_item_description_message" = "Sent a message";
"zma_conversation_list_item_description_no_messages" = "No messages";
"zma_conversation_list_item_description_prefix_you" = "You: %@";
"zma_conversation_list_item_timestamp_just_now" = "Just now";
"zma_conversation_list_item_unread_indicator_maximum" = "99+";
"zma_conversation_message_label_cant_be_displayed" = "Message can't be displayed";
"zma_conversation_message_label_image_loading_failed" = "Unable to load image";
"zma_conversation_message_label_just_now" = "Just now";
"zma_conversation_message_label_sending" = "Sending...";
"zma_conversation_message_label_sent_absolute" = "Sent • %@";
"zma_conversation_message_label_sent_relative" = "Sent • Just now";
"zma_conversation_message_label_tap_to_retry" = "Tap to retry";
"zma_conversation_message_label_unsupported_item" = "Item can't be displayed";
"zma_conversation_message_menu_copy_button_label" = "Copy";
"zma_conversation_message_menu_delete_button_label" = "Delete";
"zma_conversation_messages_failed_to_load" = "Messages failed to load";
"zma_conversation_new_messages_divider" = "New";
"zma_exceeds_max_file_size" = "Exceeds max file size (%@ MB)";
"zma_form_field_counter_label" = "%@ of %@";
"zma_form_field_invalid_email_error" = "Enter a valid email address";
"zma_form_field_max_character_error" = "Enter %@ characters or less";
"zma_form_field_min_character_error" = "Enter %@ characters or more";
"zma_form_field_required_label" = "This field is required";
"zma_form_next_button" = "Next";
"zma_form_send_button" = "Send";
"zma_form_submission_error" = "Details couldn’t be sent. Try again.";
"zma_label_add_attachments" = "Add attachments";
"zma_label_send_message" = "Send message";
"zma_message_action_option_not_supported_label" = "Option not supported";
"zma_message_input_placeholder" = "Type a message";
"zma_new_conversation_button" = "New conversation";
"zma_new_conversation_error_alert_dismiss_button" = "Ok";
"zma_new_conversation_error_alert_message" = "Try again later.";
"zma_new_conversation_error_alert_title" = "Couldn't create conversation";