Added support for Privacy Notice ― now, it is possible to include Privacy Notice seamlessly in the Web Widget UI by adding a link to the company’s own Privacy Notice in the Admin Center.
Fixed bottom padding of quick replies.
Fixed UI with pending messages.
Fixed widget crashes caused by race condition at user creation process.
14 January 2025
Updated entry point behavior in multi-conversations. When users open the widget, they will now be directed to their most recently updated active conversation if it is among the top 10 conversations. Previously, users were directed to the ConversationList view in this scenario.
January 2025
Added support for the canUserSeeConversationList flag. If this flag is set to false, access to the ConversationList view is not allowed.
December 2024
Updated Authentication API: Login callback released. This enhancement allows you to determine whether users have successfully logged in, enabling appropriate actions if the login fails.
Fixed support for JAWS screen readers to announce typing status.
Fixed focus management for better navigation within carousels.
Fixed issues related to back button functionality when using the keyboard.
Fixed the truncation issue affecting header titles for better visibility.
15 October 2024
Added support for the multi-conversations feature. This new feature allows your end users to seamlessly manage multiple ongoing conversations with your business at the same time.
2023 2024
Added postback action type support – postback buttons can enhance conversations as they trigger server-side logic when a user clicks on them and are helpful when building a bot. They can also be used to trigger other server-side actions by clicking a button in the conversation, such as an “add-to-cart” action.
Added generative AI disclaimer – messages generated by AI are displayed with a disclaimer at the bottom of that respective message.
Added Conversation Extensions – users can now open a conversation extension in the application to enhance interactive experiences atop the conversation view.
Fixed accessibility bugs – sufficiently improved accessibility support of the Web Widget (fixes connected to screen readers, focus, labels, and contrasts).
Fixed validation message – now shown when end users exceed the maximum allowed value.
Fixed ellipses position in RTL Languages.
Fixed hyperlinks – now end users will see hyperlinks in the bots and agents messages.
Fixed empty bubble for quick reply messages without a text.
Fixed button text wrapping and misalignment for quick reply messages.
Fixed a bug which was preventing the launcher label from displaying on first load
20 January 2022
Added aria-label for avatar
7 December 2021
Fixed a scrolling bug affecting new messages in the web widget log
2 December 2021
Added the ability to use drag and drop for attaching files
11 November 2021
Fixed a bug that resulted in help center article text overflowing inside carousels
Fixed a visual bug where end user messages were appearing too close to agent/answer bot messages in the Messenger
25 October 2021
Fixed a bug where files sent from an agent to end users weren't displaying the filename correctly and preventing it from being downloadable
Fixed a bug where the URL bar on iOS15 devices would cover the input for users
Fixed a bug where the keyboard on iPad devices would cover the input for users
6 October 2021
Added a file upload button to the messenger footer that allows end users to send file and image attachments to agents
29 September 2021
Fixed a bug that could result in the first few messages from Answer Bot not being displayed
14 September 2021
Fixed a bug that prevented the user from retrying, when loading messages failed
Fixed a bug that prevented the widget from displaying on mobile devices for users using the Arcturus theme
16 August 2021
Fixed a bug that prevented the Web Widget from loading in IE11
29 July 2021
Added the ability for messenger to update its session when a user logs into another computer while the first session is still open
30 June 2021
Fixed an issue where HTML entities were displayed incorrectly in article suggestions
3 May 2021
Fixed a bug that removed open and close animations from the Web Widget
23 April 2021
Fixed a minor UI bug where the input text area of the messenger was not rendered correctly in Firefox
29 March 2021
Added a fade-in effect to the messenger launcher button when it appears on the page
Fixed a bug where the quick-reply buttons in the messenger were still keyboard-navigable even when invisible
Fixed a UI bug where the host page would scroll after the user scrolls to the bottom or top of the list of messages in the messenger
25 March 2021
Added a drop-down menu to the header of the messenger that allows end users to seamlessly move the conversation to other linked channels, such as Instagram or Facebook Messenger
17 March 2021
Fixed a bug causing the alt value on embedded images to be the file location URL rather than the provided alt text
3 March 2021
Fixed a bug to ensure visitor details are correctly assigned to the agent ticket
Changed some minor styling around drop shadows in the messenger
22 February 2021
Fixed a bug which would cause the parent page to scroll when the messenger came into focus on Safari
Fixed a bug that prevented the text in long replies from wrapping
4 February 2021
Changed the file message to display the size in KB when the file size is less than 1 MB
Changed the visibility behaviour of the messenger to remain open if the host page reloads
1 February 2021
Released Web Widget
Added open API zE('messenger', 'open')
Added close API zE('messenger', 'close')
Added API to set the locale zE('messenger:set', 'locale', 'ko')
Added API to set the z-index of the Web Widget's iframes zE('messenger:set', 'zIndex', 100)
Added API to enable/disable cookies zE('messenger:set', 'cookies', false)