Creating and managing private apps

After developing and packaging an app using the Apps framework, you can use the Apps REST API to create the app. This involves uploading the app package to a Zendesk Support account and kicking off a build of the app. You can also update the app by rebuilding the existing app with a new app package.

Creating or updating an app doesn't make it available to agents in the user interface yet. You must install the app in the user interface before agents can start using it.

Creating an app

To create an app in a Zendesk Support account with the Apps REST API:

  1. Use the Upload App Package endpoint to upload the app package to the account.

  2. Use the Create App endpoint with the upload_id from the previous step to kick off a build of the app.

  3. Use the Get Job Status endpoint with the job_id from the previous step to query the build status.

When the job status is 'completed', the app has been built successfully. You can install the app using the app id in the response. If the status is 'failed', check the message for the reason.

If you're constantly getting the same error message and the error message isn't clear, try creating the app through the Zendesk Support user interface before contacting Zendesk Customer Support. See Uploading and installing your private app in Zendesk Support.

Updating an app

To update an app in a Zendesk Support account with the Apps REST API:

  1. Use the Upload App Package endpoint to upload the new app package.

  2. Use the Update App endpoint with the upload_id from the previous step and the application's id to kick off a rebuild of the app.

  3. Use the Get Job Status endpoint with the job_id from the previous step to query the build status.

When the job status is "completed", the app has been built successfully. Refresh any open instances of the app in Support to get the updated version. If the status is "failed", check the message for the reason.

Installing the app

After successfully building an app, you must install it in the user interface before agents can start using it. See Install App.