Advanced integration

When a user taps a URL, phone number, or email address sent to a conversation, the SDK handles the event automatically by launching the default app capable of completing the action:

  • the default browser for a URL
  • the default phone app for a phone number
  • the default email app for an email address

Note: Only URLs such as are made clickable in the UI. Other URIs such as zendesk://myapp will not be clickable.

You can customize the behavior and change what happens when the user clicks a URL by setting a MessagingDelegate. The shouldHandleUrl function will be called any time the user clicks a URL.

To prevent the SDK from opening the default browser, you should return false when this happens. In that case, you must handle the completion of the action yourself. The function receives two parameters:

  • url: the URL that was clicked
  • urlSource: an enumeration that describes where in the UI the url was clicked, such as a text message, a carousel item, and so on.

You can find a demo app showcasing this feature in our Zendesk SDK Demo app github.

The following snippets show how you can set a MessagingDelegate in Kotlin and Java:

Messaging.setDelegate(object : MessagingDelegate() {    override fun shouldHandleUrl(url: String, urlSource: UrlSource): Boolean {        // Your custom action...
        // Return false to prevent the SDK from handling the URL automatically        // Return true to allow the SDK to handle the URL automatically, even        // if you have done something custom        return false    }})
Messaging.setDelegate(new MessagingDelegate() {    @Override    public boolean shouldHandleUrl(@NotNull String url, @NotNull UrlSource urlSource) {        // Your custom action...
        // Return false to prevent the SDK from handling the URL automatically        // Return true to allow the SDK to handle the URL automatically, even        // if you have done something custom        return false;    }});


The Zendesk SDK for Android provides an event listener ZendeskEventListener where you can listen for any ZendeskEvent emitted from the SDK.

Available Events

ZendeskEvent is a sealed class with a subclass for each event that can currently be emitted. It has the following events:


The number of unread messages has changed.

currentUnreadCountIntThe current number of unread messages.

Invoked when an authentication error has occurred on any of the API calls.

errorErrorDetails about the error that occurred.

Invoked when validation checks fails for conversation fields.

errorsListDetails about errors that occurred.



Here is a code sample showing how the the event listener can be used, added and removed:

// To create and use the event listener:val zendeskEventListener: ZendeskEventListener = ZendeskEventListener {    zendeskEvent -> when (zendeskEvent) {        is ZendeskEvent.UnreadMessageCountChanged ->{            // Your custom action...        }        is ZendeskEvent.AuthenticationFailed -> {            // Your custom action...        }        is ZendeskEvent.FieldValidationFailed -> {            // Your custom action...        }        else -> {           // Default branch for forward compatibility with Zendesk SDK and its `ZendeskEvent` expansion        }    }}
// To add the event listener to your Zendesk instance: // (safe for concurrent use)zendesk.addEventListener(zendeskEventListener)
// To remove the event listener from your Zendesk instance:// (safe for concurrent use)zendesk.removeEventListener(zendeskEventListener)

Below is a code sample showing how the the event listener can be used, added and removed.

This includes the ZendeskEventListenerAdapter, an implementation of the ZendeskEventListener designed to provide better support for Java:

// To create and use the event listener:ZendeskEventListener zendeskEventListener =    new ZendeskEventListener() {        @Override        public void onEvent(@NonNull ZendeskEvent zendeskEvent) {            if (zendeskEvent instanceof UnreadMessageCountChanged) {                // Your custom action...            } else if (zendeskEvent instanceof AuthenticationFailed){                // Your custom action...            } else if {zendeskEvent instanceof FieldValidationFailed} {                // Your custom action...            }        }    };    // Or using the ZendeskEventListenerAdapter:ZendeskEventListenerAdapter listenerAdapter = new ZendeskEventListenerAdapter() {    @Override    public void onUnreadMessageCountChanged(@NonNull UnreadMessageCountChanged event) {        super.onUnreadMessageCountChanged(event);        // Your custom action    }};    // To add the event listener to your Zendesk instance:zendesk.addEventListener(zendeskEventListener);
// To remove the event listener from your Zendesk instance:zendesk.removeEventListener(zendeskEventListener);

Below is a code sample which shows the usage of the zendesk.eventFlow API:

lifecycleScope.launch {    zendesk.eventFlow.collect { zendeskEvent ->         when (zendeskEvent) {            is ZendeskEvent.UnreadMessageCountChanged -> // Your custom action            else -> Unit        }    }}


The Zendesk SDK allows authentication of end users so that their identity can be verified by agents using Zendesk. A detailed article on the steps to set up authentication for your account is here. The steps mentioned in this article should be completed before beginning the steps below.

You can find a demo app demonstrating the capability of user authentication on our Demo app repository.


To authenticate a user call the loginUser API with your own JWT. You can create your own JWT following our Creating a JWT token section.

The JWT can contain the following fields:

external_idStringThe external id of the user. Required. The maximum length is 255 characters.
nameStringThe name of the user. Optional.
emailStringThe email of the user. Optional.
Zendesk.instance.loginUser(jwt = "your_jwt_here",    successCallback = { user -> },    failureCallback = { error -> })
Zendesk.getInstance().loginUser("your_jwt_here", new SuccessCallback<ZendeskUser>() {    @Override    public void onSuccess(ZendeskUser value) {    }}, new FailureCallback<Throwable>() {    @Override    public void onFailure(@NonNull Throwable error) {            }});


To unauthenticate a user call the logoutUser API.

This is primarily for authenticated users but calling logoutUser for an unauthenticated user will clear all of their data, including their conversation history. Please note that there is no way for us to recover this data, so only use this for testing purposes. The next time the unauthenticated user enters the conversation screen a new user and conversation will be created for them.

Zendesk.instance.logoutUser(    successCallback = { },    failureCallback = { error -> })
Zendesk.getInstance().logoutUser(new SuccessCallback<Unit>() {    @Override    public void onSuccess(Unit value) {            }}, new FailureCallback<Throwable>() {    @Override    public void onFailure(@NonNull Throwable error) {    }});

Authentication Errors

All authentication errors can be observed through Events.

The most common error that will happen here is a HTTP 401 error. In this case a new JWT should be generated and a call made to loginUser.

Authentication Lifecycle

Once loginUser is successful, the user remains authenticated until the token expires or an error occurs.

On expiry, the server will send back a 401 HTTP error, which can be caught by using the event listener. The user will not be able to interact with Zendesk anymore and will need to be authenticated again using loginUser. If the now unauthenticated user tries to open a conversation, they will be presented with the conversation screen and an error. The conversation itself will not be shown.

As the SDK doesn't renew the token itself, you will have to handle the re-authentication process.

Visitor Path

The Visitor Path lets agents see what screen the end user had landed on, for better conversation context.

You can find a demo app showcasing this feature in our Zendesk SDK Demo app github.

Page View Event

The PageView object encapsulates information related to a user’s interactions and passes it to the Page View Event API. These session-based page view events can be seen in Agent Workspace by support agents using Zendesk.


Below is a code sample showing how to send a Page View Event.

The API accepts a PageView object as a parameter. Pass the location of the screen that the end user is on to url and the name of the screen to pageTitle.

// Create a `PageView` objectval pageView = PageView(url = url, pageTitle = pageTitle)Zendesk.instance.sendPageView(pageView,    successCallback = { user -> },    failureCallback = { error -> })

Below is a code sample showing how to send a Page View Event.

The API accepts a PageView object as a parameter. Pass the location of the screen that the end user is on to url and the name of the screen to pageTitle.

PageView pageView = new PageView(url, pageTitle);Zendesk.getInstance().sendPageViewEvent(pageView, new SuccessCallback<Unit>() {    @Override    public void onSuccess(Unit value) {            }}, new FailureCallback<Throwable>() {    @Override    public void onFailure(@NonNull Throwable error) {    }});

Proactive messaging

Proactive messaging can deliver targeted local push notifications to your users through your mobile SDK channel when triggering pre-defined conditions. See Creating proactive messages for mobile SDK channels for information on creating a proactive messaging campaign for your channel. The steps mentioned in the article should be completed before performing the steps below.

Local push notifications

Proactive messaging uses Android local notifications to deliver messages to users that meet your pre-defined conditions.

Zendesk SDK for Android will request notification permissions from the user only when they open the conversation screen (if they haven't been prompted previously) so a proactive message can be displayed.

Make sure your project requests notification permissions from the user before they open the conversation screen, if you want Proactive messages to display before this.

Relationship with the Page View event

A proactive messaging campaign is evaluated when triggered by the Page View Event integration. It is essential that for each screen the user visits, the page view event is correctly updated to reflect this.

For example, suppose you have a campaign that triggers when the user is on a particular product screen for 30 seconds. If the user navigates to a different screen after 25 seconds, and there's no subsequent page view event sent, the user will not receive a proactive message notification.


The style of the Zendesk SDK can be set through Admin Center which currently includes the primary color, the message color and the action color.

There is additional customization support available for setting text colors through the SDK using the following API. Please note this is a temporary API which will be available until the same feature is supported in Admin Center. This API will then be deprecated.

When initializing the Zendesk SDK, different text colors can now be passed as parameters to compliment the available style colors, with support for both light and dark mode.

val colors = UserColors(onPrimary = Color.Black,                         onMessage = Color.Black,                         onAction = Color.Black)val factory = DefaultMessagingFactory(userLightColors = colors,                                       userDarkColors = colors)Zendesk.initialize(    context = this,    channelKey = "channel_key",    messagingFactory = factory,)
UserColors colors = new UserColors(Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK);DefaultMessagingFactory factory = new DefaultMessagingFactory(colors, colors);
Zendesk.initialize(this, "channel_key", factory);

Messaging Metadata

To learn more about Messaging Metadata, see Introduction to Messaging Metadata.

Note: The SDK must be initialized before using any of these methods. See Initialize the SDK for more details.

You can find a demo app showcasing this feature in our Zendesk SDK Demo app github.

Conversation Fields

Set Conversation Fields

Allows values for conversation fields to be set in the SDK to add contextual data about the conversation.

Zendesk.instance.messaging.setConversationFields(fields: Map<String, Any>)

Conversation fields must first be created as custom ticket fields and configured to allow their values to be set by end users in Admin Center. To use conversation fields, see Using Messaging Metadata with the Zendesk Web Widgets and SDKs.

The values stored are persisted, and will be applied to all conversations going forward. To remove conversation fields stored in the SDK, use the ClearConversationFields API.

Note: Conversation fields are not immediately associated with a conversation when the API is called. Calling the API will store the conversation fields, but those fields will only be applied to a conversation when end users either start a new conversation or send a new message in an existing conversation.

System ticket fields, such as the Priority field, are not supported.


fields: Map<String, Any>: It is a collection of key-value pairs.

Stringid of custom ticket field
Anyvalue of custom ticket field

Note: Supported types for Any are string, number and boolean.


For example, if the id of your custom field for flight number is 4422761977114 and you want to set its value to FA2590, then you would call:

val fields = mapOf("4422761977114" to "FA2590")
Map<String,Object> fields = new HashMap<String, Object>();fields.put("4422761977114", "FA2590");

Clear Conversation Fields

You can clear conversation fields from the SDK storage when the client side context changes. To do this, use the clearConversationFields API. This removes all stored conversation fields from the SDK storage.

Note: This API does not affect conversation fields already applied to the conversation.


Conversation Tags

Set Conversation Tags

Allows custom conversation tags to be set in the SDK to add contextual data about the conversation.

Zendesk.instance.messaging.setConversationTags(tags: List<String>)

To use conversation tags, refer to Using Messaging Metadata with the Zendesk Web Widgets and SDKs.

Note: Conversation tags are not immediately associated with a conversation when the API is called. It will only be applied to a conversation when end users either start a new conversation or send a new message in an existing conversation.


List<String> A list of strings


For example, to apply promo_code and discount tags to a conversation about an order, then you would call:

val tags = listOf("promo_code", "discount")Zendesk.instance.messaging.setConversationTags(tags)
List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();tags.add("promo_code")tags.add("discount")

Clear Conversation Tags

Allows you to clear conversation tags from SDK storage when the client side context changes. To do this, use the clearConversationTags API. This removes all stored conversation tags from the SDK storage.

Note: This API does not affect conversation tags already applied to the conversation.


Postback Buttons in Messaging


Postback buttons are a great way to enhance your conversations, since they can trigger server-side logic when a user clicks on them. When you send the postback button, you can attach a payload and when the user clicks on it, it will trigger webhooks listening to the postback trigger. The payload associated with the action clicked by the user will be included in the webhook body. This allows you to respond to the press of a button from your backend. The server-side logic can use the payload to run different code based on the context of the conversation. These features are very useful when building a bot. You can also use them to trigger other server-side actions with the click of a button in the conversation, such as an “add-to-cart” action.

Sending postback buttons

Postback buttons will soon be leveraged by the Zendesk FlowBuilder in carousel messages, so you will be able to create carousel buttons for your Zendesk Bot that will save the user's response and proceed the flow accordingly. You can also send postback buttons by using the Sunshine Conversations API. (Note that a Zendesk Suite Professional plan or above is required to send the postback buttons via the Sunshine Conversations API.)

You can use postback buttons together with other button types in the same message, as seen below, with the exception of reply buttons. (Reply buttons can not be used together with postback buttons or any other button type supported in Messaging.)

const apiInstance = new SunshineConversationsApi.MessagesApi();const data = new SunshineConversationsApi.MessagePost(); = {    type: 'business'};data.content = {    type: 'text',    text: 'Press one of the buttons below',    actions: [        {            type: 'postback',            text: 'Postback Button Label',            payload: 'PAYLOAD_HERE'        },        {            type: 'link',            text: 'Link Button Label',            uri: ''        }    ]};
apiInstance.postMessage(appId, conversationId, data)    .then(response => /* success */)    .catch(error => /* failure */);
Setting up your conversation integrations

When you send postback buttons via the Sunshine Conversations API, in order for the buttons to trigger webhooks, you will need to set up “conversation integrations” and subscribe for postback events. Here is more information on how you can set up conversation integrations.

Echo Postbacks

The ‘echoPostback’ allows you to add a message to the conversation history when a postback button is clicked. The content of the message will match the button label. When ‘echoPostback’ is enabled, the message will be silently added to the conversation as a user message, without a corresponding ‘conversation:message’ webhook being triggered. To enable ‘echoPostback’ a request must be made to update the app via the Sunshine Conversations API.

Invalidate the SDK

Invalidating the Zendesk SDK refers to the process of stopping its current instance. Upon instance invalidation, Zendesk SDK nullifies the invalidated instance and references to the internal storages are lost. This ensures that unused data does not accumulate over time, freeing up system resources. When the end user logs out, the Zendesk SDK removes all user details from local storages and terminates the real-time connection. Invalidating the Zendesk SDK instance means that no messages nor notifications will be received.