Migration Guide

Migration from Classic SDKs to Zendesk SDK

Starting with the following versions of the Classic SDKs, we introduced steps to enable compatibility and allow for easier migration from Classic to Zendesk SDKs. See the release notes of the Classic SDKs Unified SDK for more information.

  • Messaging: 5.0.0
  • Support: 7.0.0
  • Answerbot: 4.0.0
  • Chat: 4.0.0

Migrating from version 1.x.x to 2.x.x

The Zendesk SDK version 2.x.x and above has been upgraded in order to enable us provide flexibility in what capabilities are included in your product when you integrate the SDK. There are some new and exciting capabilities being added which will enable you to engage with your customers better.

Due to the updates mentioned above, a migration is required for any integrations that are using any version of the SDK below 2.0.0.

SDK initialization moved from the Messaging module to the Zendesk module. See Initialize the SDK for more details. Initialization snippet now accepts a factory implementation of messaging, and errors are returned as an Error object instead of a ZendeskError object.

The following Messaging functions have also been migrated to Zendesk.


The Messaging functions have been removed in the latest version without a deprecation timeline on iOS.