Migration Guide
Migration Guide
If you're migrating from an older version of the Chat SDK (prior to v2), this guide will help to highlight some of the key differences.
Initializing the Chat SDK
The Chat SDK initialization should take place in your AppDelegate.swift. The initialization method takes the following parameters:
- accountKey - This can be found on the Chat dashboard. Ask a Chat admin for the key if you don't have access to the dashboard.
- apiConfig - Provides a way to configure the chat.
- thread - The thread to dispatch operations on. Default is the main thread.
ZDCChat.initialize(withAccountKey: accountKey)
Chat.initialize(accountKey: accountKey, queue: .main)
Starting the chat
ZDCChat.start(in: self.navigationController, withConfig: config)
do {
let chatEngine = try ChatEngine.engine()
let viewController = try Messaging.instance.buildUI(engines: [chatEngine], configs: [])
navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)
} catch {
// handle error
Adding visitor information
ZDCChat.updateVisitor { user in
user?.name = "Name"
user?.email = "Email address"
user?.phone = "Phone number"
let chatAPIConfiguration = ChatAPIConfiguration()
chatAPIConfiguration.visitorInfo = VisitorInfo(name: "Name", email: "Email address", phoneNumber: "Phone number")
Chat.instance?.configuration = chatAPIConfiguration
Setting the department
ZDCChat.start(in: self.navigationController, withConfig: { config in
config?.department = "Department name"
let chatAPIConfiguration = ChatAPIConfiguration()
chatAPIConfiguration.department = "Department name"
Chat.instance?.configuration = chatAPIConfiguration
// OR
let chatProvider = Chat.chatProvider
chatProvider.setDepartment("Department Name")
Sending events
Chat SDK v1 allowed you to send events through the ZDCChatAPI
instance. With Chat SDK v2, these events are grouped together with similar APIs under the providers.
Provider | Description |
ChatProvider | For APIs related to the chat session. |
ProfileProvider | For APIs related to the visitor. |
PushNotificationsProvider | For APIs related to Push. |
ConnectionProvider | For APIs related to the connection. |
SettingsProvider | For APIs related to the Chat dashboard settings. |
Every event that can be sent can take an optional completion closure.
The closure provides a Result<Success, Error>
return to handle the result of the request.
ZDCChatAPI.instance().uploadFile(with: data, name: fileName)
let chatProvider = Chat.chatProvider
// Optional completion handler
chatProvider?.sendFile(url: fileURL,
onProgress: { (progress) in },
completion: { (result) in } )
chatProvider?.endChat { (result) in
switch result {
case .success:
break // Chat ended
case .failure(let error):
break // Handle error
Chat.profileProvider?.setNote(note) { _ in }
Observing events
Chat v1 leveraged NSNotificationCenter to emit events and handle the subscription of events. Chat v2 implements event observers through the observable pattern.
Subscribing to events
ZDCChatAPI.instance().addObserver(self, forConnectionEvents: #selector(onConnectionStateUpdated))
ZDCChatAPI.instance().addObserver(self, forChatLogEvents: #selector(chatLogEvents))
ZDCChatAPI.instance().addObserver(self, forAgentEvents: #selector(onAgentEvent))
ZDCChatAPI.instance().addObserver(self, forUploadEvents: #selector(chatUploadEvent))
ZDCChatAPI.instance().addObserver(self, forAccountEvents: #selector(chatAccountEvent))
let stateToken = Chat.chatProvider?.observeChatState { (state) in
// Handle logs, agent events, queue position changes and other events
let connectionToken = Chat.connectionProvider?.observeConnectionState { (connection) in
// Handle connection status changes
let accountToken = Chat.chatProvider?.observeAccount { account in
// Handle department and account status changes
let settingsToken = Chat.settingsProvider?.observeChatSettings { settings in
// Handle changes to Chat settings
var tokens: [ObservationToken?] = [stateToken, connectionToken, accountToken, settingsToken]
Unsubscribing from events
ZDCChatAPI.instance().removeObserver(forConnectionEvents: self)
ZDCChatAPI.instance().removeObserver(forAgentEvents: self)
ZDCChatAPI.instance().removeObserver(forChatLogEvents: self)
ZDCChatAPI.instance().removeObserver(forUploadEvents: self)
ZDCChatAPI.instance().removeObserver(forAccountEvents: self)
tokens.forEach { $0.cancel() }
Conflicting Names CommonUISDK.Framework
If you are using CocoaPods you may get a "conflicting names commonuisdk.framework" error if you are also using the Support SDK. You can fix this by updating the Support SDK. Follow the Support SDK migration guide, and ensure that you are using the ZendeskSupportSDK
pod, and not the deprecated ZendeskSDK
Bot-centered conversational experience
The Chat SDK leverages the Unified SDK to present chat features to the user in a conversational flow. Pre-chat forms, offline forms, and customer satisfaction requests are all sent to the user through a chat bot. Though the bot resembles Answer Bot, it's not. See Configuring the chat bot.