Release Notes


24th May 2024

This patch release updates our privacy manifest to add collected data purpose values. It also removes optionally collected data types from the manifest, keeping only the data that is collected as default for all Zendesk customers.

If you collect any optional data that is not covered in the new manifest file, you will need to add them in your app’s privacy manifest file in order to be compliant with Apple’s privacy requirements.


29th April 2024

This patch release adds NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypes to the privacy manifest according to Apple's guidelines on describing data use. For more information on our data collection, see our App Privacy Details article.

Important note: This is the minimum SDK version that must be used to be compliant with Apple's privacy manifest requirements.


24th April 2024

This release adds a new privacy manifest file created in line with Apple's guidelines.

Important note: A problem was identified with the privacy manifest in this release preventing privacy reports from being generated, it is fixed in the later 8.0.2 release.


7th November 2023

This release provides support for iOS 17 and includes the following changes and bug fixes:

  • The iOS minimum deployment target has been increased from iOS 11.0 to iOS 12.0.
  • Fixed an issue where an error could occur when opening a ticket due to failure to load comments.


21st March 2023

This release enables compatibility with the Zendesk SDKs to allow for an easier migration from the Classic SDKs to the Zendesk SDKs.

As part of enabling compatibility with the Zendesk SDKs, Objective-C headers on the Messaging SDK and Zendesk Core SDK have been updated. Because they are dependencies of the Support SDK they must be updated to Messaging SDK version 5.0.0 and Core SDK 4.0.0.

For a list of the updated headers see our migration guide.


18th October 2022

  • Support for iOS 16.0.
  • iOS minimum deployment target is increased from iOS 10.0 to iOS 11.0.
  • Support for Fat Framework modules for integrators using any integration method has been removed.
  • Fixed an issue on iOS 16.0 with the Image Picker in the RequestController.
  • Fixed an issue where users identified with AnonymousIdentity were not able to upvote or downvote articles.
  • Fixed warnings that were generated in header files in integrators' projects.


22nd April 2022

  • Fixed issue with Inline Attachments in Restricted Guide Articles not loading.
  • Introduced some changes to Restricted Guide Articles. A Help Center with no public articles will be shown the same way as those with no articles.
  • Removal of deprecated APIs URLProtocol.registerClass and URLProtocol.unregisterClass.


31st March 2022

This release fix issues that occurred when installing the SDKs with SPM on Xcode 13.3


24th November 2021

  • Fixed an issue where the navigation bar would appear transparent on iOS 15.
  • Fixed an issue where Answer Bot would not work properly with an account using Guide Light.


5th May 2021

  • The getFlatArticlesWithCallback method in ZDKHelpCenterProvider has been deprecated, and integrators are now encouraged to use getFlatArticles:withCallback: instead. This new method allows integrators to include a ZDKListArticleQuery parameter which specifies the page and amount of results to return (up to 100).

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary location is as follows:

github "zendesk/support_sdk_ios" ~> 5.3.0


25th November 2020

  • Swift Package Manager (SPM) support. See Adding the SDK with SPM.

  • CocoaPods integration now uses XCFrameworks.

  • Fixed a crash when tapping on malformed links in request comments.

  • Fixed a crash when opening a closed request with an image specified in RequestUiConfiguration.

  • Fixed an error when multiple attachments were uploaded on the first request that a user created.

  • Fixed an issue where the camera access indicator would stay on after leaving the create request screen.

  • Fixed an issue where Navbar styles were not inherited properly from the host app.

  • Fixed an issue where links having trailing space were not displayed correctly.


14th September 2020

  • Compatibility with Unified SDK

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

# Core layer frameworkbinary "" == 2.4.1
# Support SDKbinary "" == 5.1.1binary "" == 5.1.1
# Shared Zendesk UI frameworksbinary "" == 6.0.0binary "" == 3.8.0binary "" == 3.8.0binary "" == 1.1.7


31st July 2020

  • Added an API to disable request creation on the request list screen, using RequestListUiConfig.

  • Fixed an issue where the “Start a new conversation” link was not clickable in certain languages. This is shown when there are no requests in the request list screen.

  • The getFlatArticlesWithCallback method in the ZDKHelpCenterProvider now returns the default amount of articles rather than limiting to 30.

  • Fixed a loss of focus bug when the user denies media and photo permissions in the create request screen.

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

# Core layer frameworkbinary "" == 2.4.1
# Support SDKbinary "" == 5.1.0binary "" == 5.1.0
# Shared Zendesk UI frameworksbinary "" == 5.1.0binary "" == 3.7.0binary "" == 3.7.0binary "" == 1.1.7

5.0.4, 5.0.5

8th June 2020

  • Internal change to pass Guide article IDs and locales to Sunshine events.

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

# Core layer frameworkbinary "" == 2.3.0
# Support SDKbinary "" == 5.0.5binary "" == 5.0.5
# Shared Zendesk UI frameworksbinary "" == 5.0.0binary "" == 3.6.0binary "" == 3.6.0binary "" == 1.1.5


12th May 2020

  • Fixed an NSInternalInconsistencyException crash that occasionally occurred when presenting a single Help Center article failed.


24th January 2020

  • The ZendeskSDK has been renamed to SupportSDK. The ZendeskProviderSDK has been renamed to SupportProvidersSDK.
  • The UiConfiguration protocol has been renamed to Configuration.
  • The SupportUI singleton has been deprecated. Use the Support singleton instead.
  • The deflectionEnabled property of the ArticleUiConfiguration and the HelpCenterUiConfiguration classes has been replaced with engines (for Swift) and objcEngines (for Objective-C) properties. If you do not provide any engine, the user will be directed to ticket creation by default.
  • The Support SDK now has dependencies on the MessagingSDK, MessagingAPI, and SDKConfigurations.

For more details, see our migration guide.

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

binary "" == 4.0.0binary "" == 2.2.1binary "" == 5.0.0binary "" == 5.0.0binary "" == 3.0.0binary "" == 3.0.0binary "" == 1.1.2


  • Custom fields functionality has been completely re-implemented. For more details, see our migration guide.
  • Custom fields are now available as the customFields property of the ZDKRequest class.
  • Enabled module stability for the SDKs.
  • Fixed crash in ZDKHelpCenterArticle.
  • Fixed crash in URLSessionTaskHandlerManager.

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

binary "" == 1.1.0binary "" == 2.2.0binary "" == 4.0.0binary "" == 4.0.0

3.0.3 Swift 5.1.2

  • Built for Swift 5.1.2 and Xcode 11.2.

3.0.2 Swift 5.1 compatible build

  • Replaced deprecated UIWebView in the Help Center article view with WKViewView.
  • Fixed issue where ticket details were not visible in ticket list in Dark Mode.
  • Fixed issue where the text on empty ticket list was displayed in the wrong color when using Dark Mode.
  • Fixed issue where Help Center search was missing from Help Center article list on initial load on iOS 13.
  • Fixed issue where Help Center navigation bar was displayed in the wrong color on iOS 13.
  • Fixed issue where the Article List was displayed in Times New Roman font on iOS 13.
  • Fixed issue where the "Failed to get tickets" error message was displayed in Times New Roman font on iOS 13.
  • Fixed issue where photos taken on device before update to iOS 13 were not recognized as jpeg.
  • Fixed issue where image picker text was not visible in Dark Mode.
  • Fixed issue where camera button was not visible on iOS 13 with device used in landscape mode.

3.0.1 Swift 5.1 GM compatible build

This is a Swift 5.1 GM compatible build of Zendesk Support SDK. It is compatible with GM Seed 2. It does not contain any source code changes. For full details of the changes in 3.0.1, see the 3.0.1 release notes.

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

binary "" == 1.0.1binary "" == 2.1.0binary "" == 3.0.1binary "" == 3.0.1

For integrators using CocoaPods, the binaries are available on a branch. Use the following line in your podfile:

pod 'ZendeskSDK', :git => '', :branch => '3.0.1-swift5.1-GM'

3.0.1 Swift 5.1 beta 6 compatible build

This is a Swift 5.1 beta 6 compatible build of Zendesk Support SDK. It does not contain any source code changes. For full details of the changes in 3.0.1, see the 3.0.1 release notes.

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

binary "" == 1.0.1binary "" == 2.1.0binary "" == 3.0.1binary "" == 3.0.1

For integrators using CocoaPods, the binaries are available on a branch. Use the following line in your podfile:

pod 'ZendeskSDK', :git => '', :branch => '3.0.1-swift5.1-beta6'

3.0.1 Swift 5.1 beta 5 compatible build

This is a Swift 5.1 beta 5 compatible build of Zendesk Support SDK. It does not contain any source code changes. For full details of the changes in 3.0.1, see the 3.0.1 release notes.

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

binary "" == 1.0.1binary "" == 2.1.0binary "" == 3.0.1binary "" == 3.0.1

For integrators using CocoaPods, the binaries are available on a branch. Use the following line in your podfile:

pod 'ZendeskSDK', :git => '', :branch => '3.0.1-swift5.1-beta5'

3.0.1 Swift 5.1 beta 4 compatible build

This is a Swift 5.1 beta 4 compatible build of Zendesk Support SDK. It does not contain any source code changes. For full details of the changes in 3.0.1, see the 3.0.1 release notes.

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

binary "" == 1.0.1binary "" == 2.1.0binary "" == 3.0.1binary "" == 3.0.1

For integrators using CocoaPods, the binaries are available on a branch. Use the following line in your podfile:

pod 'ZendeskSDK', :git => '', :branch => '3.0.1-swift5.1-beta4'


  • Bug fixes.

3.0.0 Swift 5.1 beta 3 compatible build

This is a Swift 5.1 beta 3 compatible build of Zendesk Support SDK. It does not contain any source code changes. For full details of the changes in 3.0.0, see the 3.0.0 release notes.

For integrators using Carthage, the new binary locations are as follows:

binary ""== 1.0.0binary "" == 2.1.0binary "" == 3.0.0binary "" == 3.0.0

For integrators using CocoaPods, the binaries are available on a branch. Use the following line in your podfile:

pod 'ZendeskSDK', :git => '', :branch => '3.0.0-swift5.1-beta3'


The Zendesk Support SDK is now shipped with a extra framework to include when integrating into your app called the CommonUISDK.framework. This will need to imported when using the UiConfiguration class in the SDK. For more details, see our migration guide.

  • Fixed bug where Help Center search with labels that contain spaces were not getting encoded correctly.
  • Fixed issue where the navigation bar would cover content in Request List screen on iOS 10 when accessed through Help Center screen.
  • Fixed issue for integrators using Swift where the id property on ZDKHelpCenterSimpleArticle would be the wrong type.
  • The ArticleViewController now supports RTL content in the article.
  • The showContactSupport property was not being respected in the Help Center article page when accessed through search. This is fixed.
  • The HelpCenterViewController and ArticleViewController now automatically show the Answer Bot UI from the "Contact us" button if the AnswerBotSDK is present. New properties deflectionEnabled on the ArticleUiConfiguration and HelpCenterUiConfiguration allows integrators to configure whether to open the Answer Bot screen or not.
  • The CoreSDK now respects the identity type set on the SupportSDK tab in the Admin dashboard and will fail authentication if the identity type set in code doesn't match it.
  • Date format in the ArticleViewController is now formatted correctly in RTL languages.
  • Fixed bug where users create a ticket but then don't receive push notification on that ticket till they re-enter the Request screen.
  • Fixed crash on iPads when displaying alert views for for unsent messages on the Request screen.
  • Fixed issue where tickets created for JWT users are not linked correctly if we fail to fetch the request the first time they enter the request screen.
  • The minimum platform requirement is iOS 9.3.


  • Built for Swift 5.0 and Xcode 10.2.


  • Fix for image attachments layout issues in the RequestController, where images appear at varying dimensions in landscape.
  • Added Voice Over compatibility.
  • Fix for text cursor jumping to the end of text, when inserting unicode character, in the middle of the input field.
  • Fix for article failing to load on initial display, from a clean install.
  • Fix for tabBar blocking the inputField on iOS 9 and 10.
  • Deprecated the ZDKHelpCenterDelegate that displayed the human contact options,

use HelpCenterUiConfiguration and ArticleUiConfiguration instead.

  • Fix for navBar shadow missing after presenting Create Request screen.


  • Compatibility with Answer Bot SDK version 1.0.0-EAP1.


  • Support for iOS 12, Xcode 10, and Swift 4.2 compatibility.


  • Added RTL support
  • Added the ability to override device locale to display specific Help Center articles
  • Fixed failed messages duplication on retry
  • Fixed crash caused by agent avatars with non-latin characters in file name
  • Fixed issue with multistage text input


  • Fixed a crash when presenting UIDocumentPickerviewController without UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor set


  • Fixed integer overflow issues on 32bit devices. This required a breaking change to several APIs. For more details please see migration guide
  • Fixed a crash on Swift 4.1
  • HEIC are now treated as images instead of files
  • Fixed deeplinking
  • Fixed push notification registration for anonymous users


Most of the SDK was completely rewritten for version 2

CreateRequestViewController is a new view controller for creating, viewing, and updating tickets. It includes:

  • All new design
  • Separate ticket creation view when the conversations feature is disabled
  • Offline support (view tickets offline)
  • Clickable links
  • Support for deep-linking to Help Center articles
  • Support for rich text
  • Support for file attachments (not just images)
  • Programmatically-added attachments
  • Multi-agent support
  • A confirmation message to be shown on successful creation of a ticket (configurable via the

Zendesk Support admin page)

  • Improved error-handling and resending of tickets and comments
  • Improved image/file picker

RequestListViewController is the new view controller for viewing a list of a user's tickets. It features:

  • All new design
  • Offline support (view tickets offline)
  • Support for showing closed tickets in the list (configurable via the Zendesk Support admin page)
  • Improved error-handling HelpCenterOverviewController now matches the ordering of Help Center content on the web.

Many changes apply to the whole SDK:

  • Full support for re-initialization and changing of identity at runtime, using Zendesk.instance?.init and Zendesk.instance?.setIdentity
  • Simplified theming
  • Deep configuration options through UiConfigs
  • Support for 33 languages (up from 19)
  • A redesigned API