Release notes

24th May 2024

This patch release updates our privacy manifest to add collected data purpose values. It also removes optionally collected data types from the manifest, keeping only the data that is collected as default for all Zendesk customers.

If you collect any optional data that is not covered in the new manifest file, you will need to add them in your app’s privacy manifest file in order to be compliant with Apple’s privacy requirements.

This release contains:

29th April 2024

This patch release adds NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypes to the privacy manifest according to Apple's guidelines on describing data use. For more information on our data collection, see our App Privacy Details article.

Important note: This is the minimum release that must be used to be compliant with Apple's privacy manifest requirements. This release contains:

24th April 2024

This release adds a new privacy manifest file created in line with Apple's guidelines.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 5.0.1
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 5.0.1
  • Support SDK 8.0.1
  • Support Providers SDK 8.0.1
  • Chat SDK 5.0.1
  • Chat Providers SDK 5.0.1
  • Messaging SDK 6.0.1
  • Common UI SDK 9.0.1
  • Core SDK 5.0.1

Important note: A problem was identified with the privacy manifest in this release preventing privacy reports from being generated, it is fixed in the later 29th April 2024 release.

7th November 2023

This release provides support for iOS 17 and increases the iOS minimum deployment target from iOS 11.0 to iOS 12.0 for all of the Classic SDKs. In addition, this release fixes the following issues:

  • Fixed an issue in the Chat SDK v2 where an incorrect offline form message was presented to users when Zendesk bots (Answer Bot) is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue in the Support SDK where an error could occur when opening a ticket due to failure to load comments.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 5.0.0
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 5.0.0
  • Chat SDK 5.0.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 5.0.0
  • Support SDK 8.0.0
  • Support Providers SDK 8.0.0
  • Common UI SDK 9.0.0
  • Messaging SDK 6.0.0
  • Messaging API 6.0.0
  • SDK Configurations 4.0.0
  • Core SDK 5.0.0

24th July 2023

  • Translation in Agent Workspace has been fixed and now appears without issue for both Agent Workspace accounts and non-Agent Workspace.

This release contains:

21st March 2023

This release enables compatibility with the Zendesk SDKs to allow for an easier migration from the Classic SDKs to the Zendesk SDKs.

As part of enabling compatibility with the Zendesk SDKs, Objective-C headers on the Messaging SDK and Zendesk Core SDK have been updated.

For a list of the updated headers see our migration guide.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 4.0.0
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 4.0.0
  • Chat SDK 4.0.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 4.0.0
  • Support SDK 7.0.0
  • Support Providers SDK 7.0.0
  • Common UI SDK 8.0.0
  • Messaging SDK 5.0.0
  • Messaging API 5.0.0
  • SDK Configurations 3.0.0
  • Core SDK 4.0.0

18th October 2022

  • Support for iOS 16.0.
  • Support for Fat Framework modules for integrators using any integration method has been removed.
  • iOS minimum deployment target is increased from iOS 10.0 to iOS 11.0 for all modules.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 3.0.0
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 3.0.0
  • Chat SDK 3.0.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 3.0.0
  • Support SDK 6.0.0
  • Support Providers SDK 6.0.0
  • Common UI SDK 7.0.0
  • Messaging SDK 4.0.0
  • Messaging API 4.0.0
  • SDK Configurations 2.0.0

22nd April 2022

  • Fixed a known issue on the conversation screen where the navigation bar would change color when you try to dismiss it on iOS 13+.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.2.0
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.2.0
  • Chat SDK 2.12.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.12.0
  • Support SDK 5.5.0
  • Support Providers SDK 5.5.0
  • Common UI SDK 6.1.4
  • Messaging SDK 3.8.5
  • Messaging API 3.8.5
  • SDK Configurations 1.1.11

31st March 2022

This release fix issues that occurred when installing the SDKs with SPM on Xcode 13.3

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.1.5
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.1.5
  • Chat SDK 2.11.3
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.11.3
  • Support SDK 5.4.1
  • Support Providers SDK 5.4.1
  • Common UI SDK 6.1.3
  • Messaging SDK 3.8.4
  • Messaging API 3.8.4
  • SDK Configurations 1.1.10

24th November 2021

  • Frameworks now contain Mac Catalyst slices. This allows compilation for Mac Catalyst frameworks.

  • Carthage integrators can leverage .xcframework files with this release as of Carthage 0.38.

  • Fixed an issue where Answer Bot would not work properly with an account using Guide Light.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.1.4
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.1.4
  • Chat SDK 2.11.2
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.11.2
  • Core SDK 2.6.0
  • Support SDK 5.4.0
  • Support Providers SDK 5.4.0
  • Common UI SDK 6.1.2
  • Messaging SDK 3.8.3
  • Messaging API 3.8.3
  • SDK Configurations 1.1.9

27th May 2021

  • Fixed a known issue caused by using the ChatAPIConfiguration alongside the ChatSDK. See the Chat release notes for more details.

This release contains:

5th May 2021

  • Cartfiles - which support integrators adding the SDKs via Carthage - are now hosted on Github, instead of JFrog.

  • Carthage pipeline now distributes XCFrameworks. Run carthage update --use-xcframeworks to retrieve them.

  • Added language support for French Canadian (fr-CA).

  • Fixed an issue where missing dSYMs for iOS simulator architecture caused a warning to be emitted for CocoaPods integrators.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the ARM64 architecture to be excluded from device and simulator XCFramework slices, which caused a build error on Apple Silicon machines.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.1.3
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.1.3
  • Chat SDK 2.11.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.11.0
  • Core SDK 2.5.1
  • Support SDK 5.3.0
  • Support Providers SDK 5.3.0
  • Common UI SDK 6.1.1
  • Messaging SDK 3.8.2
  • Messaging API 3.8.2
  • SDK Configurations 1.1.8

25th November 2020

This release, and newer, is built with Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3+

  • Swift Package Manager (SPM) support. See Adding the SDK with SPM.
  • CocoaPods integration now uses XCFrameworks.
  • Fixed a crash when tapping on malformed links in Answer Bot.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.1.2
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.1.2
  • Chat SDK 2.10.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.10.0
  • Core SDK 2.5.0
  • Support SDK 5.2.0
  • Support Providers SDK 5.2.0
  • Common UI SDK 6.1.0
  • Messaging SDK 3.8.1
  • Messaging API 3.8.1

14th September 2020

  • Added a flag to the MessagingConfiguration, which allows you to opt-in into multiline quick reply text wrapping. See the documentation for more details.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.1.1
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.1.1
  • Chat SDK 2.9.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.9.0
  • Support SDK 5.1.1
  • Support Providers SDK 5.1.1
  • Common UI SDK 6.0.0
  • Messaging SDK 3.8.0
  • Messaging API 3.8.0

31st July 2020

  • Symbolication files (dSYMs) are now part of this and future releases.
  • The Answer Bot article view now has both light and dark interface styles.

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.1.0
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.1.0
  • Chat SDK 2.8.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.8.0
  • Support SDK 5.1.0
  • Support Providers SDK 5.1.0
  • Common UI SDK 5.1.0
  • Messaging SDK 3.7.0
  • Messaging API 3.7.0

8th June 2020

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.0.5
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.0.5
  • Chat SDK 2.7.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.7.0
  • Support SDK 5.0.5
  • Support Providers SDK 5.0.5
  • Common UI SDK 5.0.0
  • Messaging SDK 3.6.0
  • Messaging API 3.6.0

18th May 2020

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.0.4
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.0.4
  • Chat SDK 2.6.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.6.0
  • Support SDK 5.0.4
  • Support Providers SDK 5.0.4
  • Common UI SDK 4.5.0
  • Messaging SDK 3.5.0
  • Messaging API 3.5.0

12th May 2020

This release, and newer, is built with Xcode 11.4+ and Swift 5.2.2

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.0.3
  • Answer Bot Providers SDK 2.0.3
  • Chat SDK 2.5.1
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.5.1
  • Support SDK 5.0.3
  • Support Providers SDK 5.0.3
  • Common UI SDK 4.4.0
  • Messaging SDK 3.4.0
  • Messaging API 3.4.0
  • SDK Configurations 1.1.5
  • Core SDK 2.3.0

10th April 2020

This release contains:

  • Answer Bot SDK 2.0.2
  • Chat SDK 2.5.0
  • Chat Providers SDK 2.5.0
  • Common UI SDK 4.3.1
  • Messaging SDK 3.3.0
  • Support SDK 5.0.2

This is the first version of the SDK that includes Chat and brings the ability to use the Chat engine in the Unified SDK alongside the Answer Bot and Support engines. If you are currently using Chat SDK v1, please see the migration notes.

24th January 2020

This release contains:

  • Support SDK 5.0.0
  • Answer Bot SDK 2.0.0
  • Messaging SDK 3.0.0

These are the first versions of the SDK's where we are supporting both XCFramework format and Fat Framework format. For XCFrameworks, we only support Carthage and manual as integration steps but Fat Frameworks can also be integrated using Cocoapods.

All frameworks were built using Xcode 11.3 (Swift 5.1.3) and both the Fat Framework and XCFramework formats are module stable.

These are also the first versions of the Support and Answer Bot SDKs that use Unified SDK.

If you were previously using Answer Bot SDK 1.0.0, you will need to replace your usage of AnswerBotUI (which has been removed) with Messaging.instance.buildUI and an instance of AnswerBotEngine. See Answer Bot Engine for more details.

Answer Bot 2.0.0 also adds access to AnswerBotProvider, which you can use to interact with the Answer Bot back-end programmatically. This allows you to build your own UI instead of using MessagingActivity. See Answer Bot Providers for more information.

The Support SDK and Support Providers SDK artefacts have been renamed from ZendeskSDK and ZendeskProviderSDK to SupportSDK and SupportProvidersSDK respectively. All imports of these modules will need to be changed. If you were using an earlier version of Support SDK, your existing integration should continue to work. The SupportEngine is a new addition you can use with MessagingActivity for ticket creation and integration with Answer Bot. See Support Engine for more details.