Release notes

Version 5.0.3

24th May 2024

This patch release updates our privacy manifest to add collected data purpose values. It also removes optionally collected data types from the manifest, keeping only the data that is collected as default for all Zendesk customers.

If you collect any optional data that is not covered in the new manifest file, you will need to add them in your app’s privacy manifest file in order to be compliant with Apple’s privacy requirements.

Version 5.0.2

29th April 2024

This patch release adds NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypes to the privacy manifest accoording to Apple's guidelines on describing data use. For more information on our data collection, see our App Privacy Details article.

Important note: This is the minimum SDK version that must be used to be compliant with Apple's privacy manifest requirements.

Version 5.0.1

24th April 2024

This release adds a new privacy manifest file created in line with Apple's guidelines.

Important note: A problem was identified with the privacy manifest in this release preventing privacy reports from being generated, it is fixed in the later 5.0.2 release.

Version 5.0.0

7th November 2023

This release provides support for iOS 17 and includes the following changes and bug fixes:

  • The iOS minimum deployment target has been increased from iOS 11.0 to iOS 12.0.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect offline form message was presented to users when Zendesk bots (Answer Bot) is enabled.

Version 4.0.1

24th July 2023

  • Translation in Agent Workspace has been fixed and now appears without issue for both Agent Workspace accounts and non-Agent Workspace.

Version 4.0.0

21st March 2023

This release enables compatibility with the Zendesk SDKs to allow for an easier migration from the Classic SDKs to the Zendesk SDKs.

For Objective-C integrators, the following APIs on the Messaging SDK have been updated in order to enable compatibility:

  • ZDKMessaging is renamed ZDKClassicMessaging.
  • ZDKMessagingConfiguration is renamed ZDKClassicMessagingConfiguration.
  • ZDKMessagingUIEvent is renamed ZDKClassicMessagingUIEvent .
  • ZDKMessagingDelegate is renamed ZDKClassicMessagingDelegate .

Version 3.0.0

18th October 2022

  • Support for iOS 16.0.
  • iOS minimum deployment target is increased from iOS 10.0 to iOS 11.0.
  • Support for Fat Framework modules for integrators using any integration method has been removed.

Version 2.12.0

22nd April 2022

  • Included new API to set department by ID.
  • Fixed issue where the prechat form was being shown to offline users.
  • Fixed issue where the offline chat form was not shown to some offline users when configured.

Version 2.11.3

31st March 2022

This release fix issues that occurred when installing the SDKs with SPM on Xcode 13.3

Version 2.11.2

24th November 2021

  • Fixed the known issue where agents with avatars with non-ascii characters in the filename, caused the messages not to appear in the chat (Agent Workspace only).

  • Fixed the known issue where no confirmation message is shown when an offline form is submitted.

  • Chat pre-chat form fields now leverage UITextContentTypes to allow end-users to autofill fields using their iCloud information.

Version 2.11.1

27th May 2021

  • Fixed the known issue where assignment of the ChatAPIConfiguration lead to chats not starting in the ChatSDK.

If you are using the config to modify the Chat experience, it is recommended to modify the existing object, as opposed to setting it directly.

Version 2.11.0

5th May 2021

  • Added a new API ChatProvider.setDepartment(_ name: String?, completion: ((Result<String?, DeliveryStatusError>) -> Void)?) to allow integrators to set a department.

  • Updated the observeChat<Data>(...) methods to allow integrators to pass a ObservableIdentifier argument. The new parameter has a default value of an internally generated UUID. The following methods have been updated:

  • AccountProvider.observeAccount(...)

  • ChatProvider.observeChatState(...)

  • ConnectionProvider.observeConnectionStatus(...)

  • ProfileProvider.observeVisitorInfo(...)

  • SettingsProvider.observeChatSettings(...)

  • The Chat instance ignores subsequent requests of the same department name.

  • Fixed an issue where the department associated with a visitor doesn’t match the department they selected in the pre-chat form.

  • Fixed an issue where the department associated with a visitor doesn’t match the department set on the configuration.

  • There is still a known issue with using the ChatAPIConfiguration to set the department while using the pre-chat form.

  • Previously, when a Chat was in a disconnected state, a banner was displayed with the text "Connection Failed". This text has changed to now read "Disconnected".

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Disconnected’ banner was displayed after an offline form was completed.

Version 2.10.0

25th November 2020

  • Swift Package Manager (SPM) support. See Adding the SDK with SPM.

  • CocoaPods integration now uses XCFrameworks.

  • Deprecated the ChatProvider.requestChat() API, which is no longer supported.

  • Fixed an issue where the app would become unusable if the user dismissed the document picker by swiping down on the modal viewController.

  • Fixed an issue where queued API requests would be cleared when a user entered the chat screen.

To ensure they are sent correctly, wrap the API calls inside a ConnectionStatus observer, and fire them once you are definitely connected.

  • Fixed an issue where setting the department on the ChatAPIConfiguration would be ignored if the user filled out the pre-chat form before a chat.

  • Fixed constraint issues with the cells used for Chat option shortcuts.

Version 2.9.0

14th September 2020

  • Added a new API MessagingConfiguration.isMultilineResponseOptionsEnabled on MessagingSDK to opt-in into a Flexbox-layout of the quick-reply options. This API is useful if you have a long list of departments with large titles. See the documentation for more details.

  • Added a new API PushNotificationsProvider.registerPushTokenString(_ token: String) that allows you to register for push notifications by providing the device token in String format.

  • Fixed an issue where the callback for ending the chat wasn't always called.

  • Fixed an issue where connectionStatus was incorrectly set to .connecting once the chat had ended.

  • Fixed minor bugs related to offline forms.

Version 2.8.0

31st July 2020

  • Added support for authenticating users via JWT. For a better understanding, see the SDK documentation, the Guide article, and the sample app.

  • Added a new API on the ChatProvider to check to see if there is an active chat. For more information, see the documentation.

  • Fixed an issue where a user couldn't send a message if the visitorInfo was set through the ChatAPIConfiguration.

  • Fixed an issue where a string in the offline form (key: wasn't being translated to the device locale.

This key was replaced by If you are overriding strings, make sure to update the key of that translation.

  • Fixed other minor bugs and improvements.

Version 2.7.0

8th June 2020

  • Added support for configuring multiple apps in the Admin Console, as well as the ability to target a sandbox for testing push notifications.

  • Added support for an end-user to choose from a selection of quick responses in the chat conversation.

  • Added Dark Mode support to the messaging screen within chat conversations.

  • Fixed an issue where image caching was causing a performance issue.

  • Fixed an issue where the typing indicator was not being displayed correctly for grouped Answer Bot messages.

Version 2.6.0

18th May 2020

  • Custom link handling in order to enable deep-linking.

  • New event observers in order to enable better UI lifecycle management.

  • Enable integrators to easily implement their own unread message counter. See the article on how to implement it.

  • Fixed an issue where an event was not sent in case when agent has ended the chat.

  • Fixed an issue where the device and platform values in the Chat Agent Dashboard were empty when the SDK was being used.

Version 2.5.1

12th May 2020

  • The SDK is now built using Swift 5.2.x.

  • The SDK is now fully compatible with RTL languages.

  • Minor UI & UX improvements.

  • Exposed the debug logger to Objective-C.

  • Fixed an issue that wouldn't allow you to override the Chat strings.

  • Fixed an issue where isAgentAvailabilityEnabled flag needed to be enabled for the pre-chat form to work.

  • Fixed an issue where resetting identity didn't stop push notifications.

  • Fixed an issue where the connection banner would be visible behind the navigation bar.

  • Fixed an issue on iPad that caused a crash when the SDK tried to present a UIAlertController.

Version 2.5.0

10th April 2020

  • Initial release of Chat SDK v2.