Adding the Support SDK (Required)

Adding the Support SDK (Required)

Before adding the Support SDK to your Android project, make sure a Zendesk Support administrator has registered your app in Zendesk Support. See Registering the application in Zendesk Support in Zendesk help.

Adding the SDK with Gradle

  1. In Android Studio, open the build.gradle file for the app module (not for the project).

  2. Before the dependencies section, add the following repositories section:

    repositories {    maven { url '' }}
  3. If you plan on using the SDK's built-in UI components, insert the following line (highlighted) in the dependencies section:

    dependencies {		implementation group: 'com.zendesk', name: 'support', version: '5.4.0'		...	}
  4. If you only want to use the SDK's API providers and no UI component, insert the following line instead (highlighted) in the dependencies section:

    dependencies {    implementation group: 'com.zendesk', name: 'support-providers', version: '5.3.0'    ...}

    Note: If you plan on using both the API providers and the UI components, specify 'support' as the name. 'support' gives you both.

  5. Save the file, then integrate the Support SDK in the project by selecting File > Sync Project with Gradle Files.