Help Center

Help center articles in any published help center category and section can be viewed natively within the Zendesk SDK without the need for an external browser or wrapper.

Your help center will reflect your published, browser-accessible content, including images, links, and a limited array of rich text elements such as bold, italics, and lists. Note that CSS is currently not supported for native rendering within Unity.

Help center articles are rendered using standard Unity components, negating the need for any third-party plugins. Additionally, default stylings such as background and text colour can be altered by modifying the HelpCenter Panel or its referenced Prefab components.

Help center articles that link to other same-domain articles are natively accessible in the Zendesk SDK, ensuring that users will not be prompted to open their external browser.

External links open in the external browser.

Overriding the help center locale

In line with other Zendesk SDKs, you can use a method to override the help center locale at run-time. This method can be found in the ZendeskHelpCenterUI class.

Note that this method is intended as a stop-gap for legacy support on applications that require it. As such, using this method can result in unexpected or unwanted behaviour. We would typically recommend relying on your Zendesk Prefab's locale settings rather than using this override method.

OverrideHelpCenterLocale method

OverrideHelpCenterLocale must be invoked before any help center articles are retrieved. An associated locale must be set up and enabled in the Support admin interface (Settings > Account > Localization > Languages).

The OverrideHelpCenterLocale method has the following parameter:

localestringThe ICU locale_ID as set up in the Support admin interface



Enable/Disable Showing Article Vote Counts in Article List Screen

You can enable or disable showing article vote counts in the Article List screen by checking or unchecking the checkbox called Show Article Votes in the Zendesk Help Center UI (Script) panel in the Unity editor's Inspector. This is associated with the HelpCenter GameObject under Zendesk.prefab.