Known issues

Known issues

  • Due to a recent update in Xcode (12.5), the SDK fails to generate IPA files. We recommend editing the Assets/Plugins/iOS/ by adding a cast to imagePicker.delegate as follows:
imagePicker.delegate = (id<UINavigationControllerDelegate, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate>)self;
  • The SDK is experiencing some issues in iOS for HTTP 401 response status. See more in [here] (

  • On Android 11, it’s possible to attach some files, like screenshots, but not photos from the camera. The issue is because we do not currently support scoped storage which will cause issues when attaching images.

  • Currently, adding cloud-stored images as attachments is not supported in Android. Only images stored on the device can be added as attachments.

  • Inline external link icons are not being rendered properly in some minor versions of Unity 2018.4 and above.

  • Images with a resolution greater than 4096x4096px can be attached through the Unity Editor.

  • Currently, there is no support for the Limited Photos Library feature introduced in iOS 14.

  • Currently, there is no support for the ordered lists in help center articles.

  • In-line images in Support tickets are currently not supported. Ensure that all images in Support tickets are added as attachments rather than as in-line links.

  • On a version of Unity with Nested Prefab support, we recommend unpacking the Zendesk Prefab after placing it inside your Scene, before editing or adding any UI Elements.

  • The Zendesk UI was developed with a reference resolution of 1125 x 2436, with a Pixel Per Unit reference of 1. You may need to adjust your Pixel Per Unit reference in order to avoid certain UI anomalies, such as rounded corners on buttons becoming too large.

  • While Landscape mode is supported, note that the Zendesk UI has been optimised for Portrait mode. You may need to adjust the Zendesk UI as needed to accomodate your layout requirements.

  • Landscape Mode: sometimes landscape photos are rendered as portrait when rotating the device (switching from landscape to portrait).

  • Rich text agent responses to Support tickets only supports bold, underline, italics, unordered lists, headers and links.

  • Currently, video attachments and GIF images are not supported for help center or Support tickets. Externally hosted videos (such as YouTube-hosted content) will be displayed as a link which will open in the end user's external browser.

  • Note that Right-To-Left languages (Arabic, Hebrew) and languages unsupported by Unity (Hindi, Filipino, Malay) are not currently supported in the Zendesk SDK.

  • Unity's UnityEngine.SystemLanguage does not support the Filipino locale, and detects the system locale as Finnish due to having similar language codes. For users on devices with their system language set to Filipino, your Unity project will need to manually enforce your intended fallback locale.