Known issues and limitations

Current minor issues

  • Minor issues surrounding sent label not updating in the RequestController in some cases.
  • iCloud cancel button takes tint color of navbar, not visible with white navBar tint color due to Apple bug.
  • The attachment picker on the RequestController does not display when using a hardware keyboard.
  • On a fresh install, the first opening of Help Center using .buildHelpCenterArticleUi may show the Contact Us icon even if it is set to false.

Only one instance of Support SDK running at the same time

The Classic Support SDK has not been designed to be able to have multiple instance of it running at the same time. You can only using one instance of Support SDK at once in your app.

Switching the SDK configuration at runtime

If you change the Support configuration at runtime, be aware that this is not supported. While it is possible to initialize with one configuration/account and initialize again with another one during runtime, we do not support such a configuration.

SDK doesn't support subsections

The use of subsections is not supported by the SDK. In the UI, subsections will be treated as normal sections of a category.

Ticket creation message doesn't support Placeholders

The customisable ticket creation message doesn't support Placeholders but does support Dynamic Content.

Maximum number of results in HelpCenterOverviewController

The network response that powers HelpCenterOverviewController has a maximum of 11 categories, with a maximum of 10 sections for each category. Each section in the response has a maximum of 5 articles, and a "See all articles" button is added if there are more sections in the back-end. Tapping the button will load any remaining articles into the section.

These limits were chosen to ensure maximum reliability and scalability while still meeting the needs of the majority of our customers. If your help center has more categories or sections than these limits will allow, consider prioritizing the most important content for mobile and filtering for labels, sections, or categories when configuring HelpCenterActivity.

App transport security

If you are hosting help center content externally you may need to whitelist the URLs in your app's Info.Plist for it to display. This is because of App Transport Security.

Mac Catalyst

The library can be compiled when Mac Catalyst is enabled, however, Mac Catalyst is not supported.